Becoming Better Requires Hard Choices with Andy Frisella
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Becoming Better Requires Hard Choices with Andy Frisella

Andy Frisella Andy Frisella is a best-selling author, speaker, consultant, and founder of 1st Phorm, Supplement Superstores, and 75 Hard. He is an industry-leading expert on customer loyalty. He’s also known for creating an incredible culture within his business. Andy Frisella has been featured in INC., Entrepreneur, and Forbes Magazine. From 2015 to 2019, he…

Interrupting the Drift with Shane Achey
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Interrupting the Drift with Shane Achey

Shane Achey Shane Achey is a husband, father, and part of the Dad Edge Alliance Leadership team. Today, we are going to be talking about how we can handle the adversity and unexpected curveballs that come our way as fathers. We are also going to be talking about interrupting the drift. For those of you…

Yes Men Don’t Change the World with Larry Hagner
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Yes Men Don’t Change the World with Larry Hagner

 Larry Hagner Larry Hagner is bringing us a personal account of a conversation he had with his 13-year-old son about cutting the grass. When his son questioned him on it, Larry responded in a way that he wished he hadn’t. After apologizing to his son, he realized that it wasn’t the fact of mowing…

family leadership
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The Process of Family Leadership—Dad Edge Alliance Exclusive Q&A with Errol Doebler

We have an intense experience for you today. Errol Doebler, former Navy SEAL and FBI Special Agent, is back on the show.
He participated in a live event with the Dad Edge Alliance, where more than 70 men had the opportunity to listen to his arsenal of family leadership training and got a chance to ask him questions about the process to become strong leaders for their families.

The Process, Art, and Science of Leadership with Errol Doebler

The Process, Art, and Science of Leadership with Errol Doebler

What would your world look like if you were a cool and confident leader? What if you could implement an environment of emotional awareness, problem-solving, and a never quit attitude in your work, home, and on the battlefield of life?
No matter how you’ve approached life so far, leadership is a skill that can be learned. Former Navy SEAL and FBI Special Agent Errol Doebler reveals the exact methodology you need  to transform yourself into an empathetic and wise leader, living with intention in everything you do.

modern fatherhood

Modern Fatherhood: Intentionality, Equality, and Vision

Lawrence Gordon is the creator of Books by LG and is passionate about getting men involved in reading to their kids. He talks about the silver linings of the coronavirus pandemic when it comes to family. He also goes into how we can do our part to raise awareness about equality and give back to our communities to create the next generation of strong family leaders.