modern fatherhood

Modern Fatherhood: Intentionality, Equality, and Vision

Lawrence Gordon grew up with a single mom who showed him how to be resilient, but his father was out of the picture. As he grew up, his priorities were misdirected, and his first marriage ended in divorce. As an adult, Lawrence realized that it was up to him to seek male role models and learn how to navigate the challenges of modern fatherhood.

Today, Lawrence is the happily remarried father of three. He is passionate about getting men involved in reading to their kids with children’s books that his kids help him create. He talks about the silver linings of the coronavirus pandemic when it comes to family. He also goes into how we can do our part to raise awareness about equality and give back to our communities to mentor the next generation of strong family leaders.

Lawrence Gordon

Lawrence M. Gordon II was born on March 17th in Columbia, SC, and grew up in Maple Hts in Cleveland, OH and spent his senior year in Newport News, VA graduating high school at Denbigh.

His late mom, Dacia, was a high school teacher and his late father, Morris Sr, served in the army where he retired. His older sibling Keione help him navigate through humble beginnings.

Lawrence’s passion for sharing stories with his children, family members, and the community is something he knows will help create an impact.  Lawrence knows the role of the male in children’s lives is necessary and wants to encourage men everywhere to read more to the children in their home, and communities.

Lawrence Gordon is married to Sarah Gordon.  They live in South Carolina with daughter, Lauren, Landen, and Henry who help inspire the content of his books.

Books by LG

Books By LG exist to inspire dads, uncles, grandfathers & male role models everywhere to read more books to children as a way of building bonds, inspiring dreams, and to be intentional about storytime.

What You’ll Learn

  • Being a dad is tough when you don’t have a male role model to teach you accountability, responsibility, and intentionality.
  • Being proactive about seeking and choosing men as role models
  • Lawrence used to think that obsessing over work was the highest priority.
  • He didn’t realize that as his family was neglected, and his first marriage ended in divorce.
  • You can save the world, but if you lose your family in the process, what is it worth?
  • If his children are not involved in his work, Lawrence won’t have anything to do with it.
  • Lawrence gets three nights out of the week to do what he wants. The other nights are family nights.
  • Make sure you are prepared for quality time, where you are present and energetic.
  • How the pandemic has shifted our view of what’s important
  • Sometimes through tragedy, you discover a gift inside of you, and if you give it space to grow and develop, it can change you.
  • His daughter helped him write his book, Unicorn Dreams.
  • His son helped him with his upcoming release about fear and bullies.
  • Why every father should give their son an heirloom gift
  • You should never tell your son to man up.
  • To all those who have a vision, go for it. Don’t give up because you don’t know how to get there. Learn how to make it happen.
  • As men, we have to build a community focused on inclusion, building a bridge to our kids.
  • What more can we do for #BlackLivesMatter?
  • Pay your successes forward. If you have the resources, put your money to work in community. Show up with finances, passion, and consistency.
  • Surround yourself with people who make you try your hardest.
  • Leave this life on empty. Don’t leave anything left in the tank!


Strong Fathers, Strong Kids with Meg Meeker


Protect your kids with the Bark App


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