Dr. Meg Meeker – Raising Resilient Kids

Dr. Meg Meeker – Raising Resilient Kids

Dr. Meg Meeker is a dynamic and inspirational advocate for father-inclusive parenting, with over 30 years of experience as a practicing pediatrician. She is an international speaker, bestselling author of “Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters,” and the host of the popular podcast “Parenting Great Kids”. She has built a social media community of 700k+ followers and regularly contributes to discussions on pediatric health and child-parent relationships.

Larry Hagner – What Gets Measured Gets Improved

Larry Hagner – What Gets Measured Gets Improved

In this episode of the Dad Edge Podcast, Larry Hagner discusses the importance of measuring progress and introduces a new tool called the Five Dials, which helps participants track their growth in various areas of their lives. The boardroom is a tight-knit group of dad business owners who focus on growing their businesses, improving their marriages, and strengthening their relationships with their kids. Larry also highlights the trifecta of business, marriage, and parenting and emphasizes the importance of creating a nurturing environment for open communication with our children. 

Allan Blain – Life is Hard, Succeed Any Way

Allan Blain – Life is Hard, Succeed Any Way

Allan Blain is the former owner and CEO of a $40 million dollar real estate investment company. After realizing that he was not pursuing his true purpose and calling, he launched what he calls his “work-from-anywhere” freedom business, teaching everyday people how to create passive income streams from their phones. Today, he has grown his organization to include over 10,000 others spanning 10 countries, producing millions in annual revenue, and representing countless lives that have been positively impacted by his company’s food supplements.

Jake Scott – Behind the Music: The Joys and Challenges of Marriage and Parenthood

Jake Scott – Behind the Music: The Joys and Challenges of Marriage and Parenthood

Jake Scott is an American singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. While at the university, he began to write and record music–launching his career. In fall of 2013, Jake Scott released his first, self-produced EP, “Of Life and Love and Longing”. Jake’s passion for music was influenced by the sacrifices his father made to be actively involved in his life.