pat flynn
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Work Life Integration for Dads with Pat Flynn

So much competes for our attention and patience. It feels as though we have to make a choice—family or business. But is it possible to have the best of both?

Today we have Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income back on the show to teach us how to master work life integration. Pat built his large, online business from scratch and now makes over 200K a month in gross sales. He helps people all over the world improve their lives, all while being an amazing husband and father of two.

You will walk away from this episode with simple, powerful ways to scale your business and spend more time with your family. You’ve only got one life. Make it count!

You get the result you want or the lesson you needed. Either way it’s going to be a win.

Pat Flynn

Pat Flynn is a beloved thought leader in the areas of online entrepreneurship, digital marketing, and lifestyle businesses. He is routinely celebrated for his transparent leadership style and authentic principles. Pat overcame career adversity at an early age by finding his own path and true passion. Despite his success in business, Pat’s greatest joys are spending time with his family and friends as well as helping inspire and educate others on how to succeed with their own entrepreneurial careers.

Pat has been featured in The New York Times and Forbes Magazine for his accomplishments, and has recently been enjoying talking about his story and business strategies in front of large crowds at various conferences and events all around the world. His top-ranked business podcast, The Smart Passive Income Podcast, has earned over 25 million downloads and continues to inspire people as they work through their online business journey today.

Pat is also an advisor to Pencils of Promise, a nonprofit organization dedicated to building schools in the developing world, as well as companies such as LeadPages and ConvertKit.

Superfans: The Easy Way to Stand Out, Grow Your Tribe, And Build a Successful Business

The magical moments that turn your followers into fans.

Customers, followers, subscribers.

It’s easy to just look at the numbers. How many likes? How many purchases? How many email subscribers?

But as entrepreneurs, we have to remember that there are people behind all that data. People who are looking to us to be a leader, to give advice, and to care. They are looking for trustworthy tools and resources, and for someone to help them to achieve their goals. In this dog-eat-dog world, these are the people who are looking for someone who they can trust, and who they know have their best interests in mind.

These are the people, if you connect with them in the right way, who will become Superfans.

You don’t need to change the entire world to build a successful business; you just need to change someone’s world.

People don’t become superfans the moment they find you. They become superfans because of the magical moments you create for them over time.

This book will help you do just that.

What You’ll Learn

  • Pat Flynn was a band nerd.
  • Pat’s father’s perfectionist mindset crippled Pat.
  • Perfection can be used as a crutch.
  • He knew he never wanted money to be an issue in his life.
  • The lightbulb moment that started Pat’s first business, Green Academy
  • How he started by giving all the information away for free
  • What is affiliate marketing and how Pat uses it to generate 6 figures a month
  • Money is a by-product of serving his audience.
  • Men are okay with being unhappy in order to care for their family. But your unhappiness bleeds into your life and sets an example for your kids.
  • Would you tell your kids to sacrifice their happiness for money?
  • When you’re happy, you can serve everyone better.
  • If you look for confirmation that it’s a bad day, you will find it.
  • Sometimes men don’t break into success because they are afraid of leaving others behind.
  • Practice gratitude with your kids every day.
  • How to teach your kids to be open with you no matter what.
  • Don’t be complacent and accept the way things are. Go out and find the right people. To show you how it’s done.
  • What it means to actively listen to your spouse
  • Fights in marriage are necessary. They cause growth.
  • Continue to dream together as a couple. Co-create a 3-year plan. Envision your big goals.
  • How to attain super fans—Don’t try to get millions. Get a thousand who really go for it.
  • Create a place where people can get the help they need along with a community.
  • Pat Flynn says he’s just paying forward what he learned from others.


The Art of Negotiating with Your Kids with Chris Voss

Communication Mastery for Fathers with Chris Voss

Will It Fly with Pat Flynn

Pat Flynn’s Links







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Our biggest regrets in life happen
when we’ve lost our patience. 

how to have more patience

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