Becoming a King Morgan Snyder

Becoming a King with Morgan Snyder

Our actions reveal our beliefs about ourselves 100% of the time. Are you living the right story?

Life is up to me. I’m all alone. I have to make it happen. Most men live with these unspoken beliefs. We are full of intensity and lacking joy.

But we are not alone. We never were. All we have to do is stop insulating ourselves from the divine guidance that is available to us.

Today’s guest is Morgan Snyder. He is the author of Becoming a King: The Path to Restoring The Heart Of A Man. Morgan teaches us how to become spiritually mature enough to accept the invitation to become who we really are. He tells us how to acknowledge our younger selves and give them the healing they need. He also talks about giving our kids the father they truly need, not our idea of what we think a good father is.

Restore the power of your heart. Open your soul. Ignite the faith that will allow you to live beyond your identity.

Everything that matters is invisible.

Morgan Snyder

Morgan Snyder is a grateful husband of over 20 years and a proud father of a wildly creative and witty daughter and a joyful and passionate son. He serves as a strategist, entrepreneur, teacher, writer, and speaker. His passion is to both be shaped by and shape the men and women who are shaping the kingdom of God. In 2010, he established BecomeGoodSoil, a fellowship of leaders whose global reach offers guidance for the narrow road of becoming the kind of person to whom God can confidently entrust the care of his kingdom.

Morgan serves on the executive leadership team at Wild at Heart and has contended for the wholeheartedness of men and women alongside John and Stasi Eldredge for more than two decades. Morgan goes off the grid every chance he gets, whether bowhunting in the Colorado wilderness or choosing the adventurous life with his greatest treasures: his wife, Cherie; his son, Joshua; and his daughter, Abigail.

The Path to Restoring The Heart Of A Man

Morgan Snyder’s Becoming a King speaks unabashedly to men, teaching them the life-changing truth about the power that God intends for them to responsibly step into for his Kingdom, while also giving women an honest peek behind the curtain into the lives and hearts of the men they know and love.

I’m not the man I was, but I’m not the man I will become.

What You’ll Learn

  • The message Morgan got from his father was, “I am loved when I provide.” In his pursuit of earning, he won the world and lost his soul.
  • One day he thought, “If I died tonight, what would I say to God? I’ve done nothing but serve myself.”
  • This moment didn’t heal his soul. It saved it, but he was still a boy in a man’s body.
  • Morgan set out a path and process of recovering wholeheartedness, going through maturation spiritually.
  • A person uninitiated spiritually will feel responsible for others’ happiness.
  • How to love your children unconditionally and release all outcomes to God.
  • Your goal to be your idea of a great dad may not be what your kids need.
  • Morgan shares where he’s blown it as a dad.
  • We all have a Father who is working out our stories for us.
  • Jesus lived as a son. He was not independent. He was Father centered.
  • We live as orphan spirits and slaves.
  • We’re all under construction. We need to go through a masculine initiation.
  • Let God parent you. When you’re facing a problem, pause and ask your Father his take on it.
  • You’re the only obstacle in receiving His love.
  • Think of a playful and patient god who is near, in real time and real intimacy.
  • Fatherless boys feel unworthy, defective, unlovable.
  • We must be aware of the young places within us that are inviting us to healing.
  • Where do we feel shame and scarcity? When did we first experience this feeling? Excavate and be curious.
  • What defends us from pain insulates us from God.
  • If you’re a sinner saved by grace, you will never live beyond sin.
  • The things that we have the most shame about, we can make into our greatest strengths.
  • Be kind to your soul.


Wild at Heart with John Eldredge

The Fires of a Man’s Soul with Stephen Mansfield

Glory and Strength: Keeping the Faith Through Loss with Nate Edmonds


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