parenting with leadership

Parenting with Leadership with Stewart Friedman and Alyssa Westring

What’s the difference between managing your family and leading them? Do you know your values as a family and your vision of how it should operate?

If the answer is no, don’t worry. You’re pretty much just like everyone else.

We often have learned to be leaders in our work and our community, but rarely do we use these skills when we come home with our kids. With packed schedules and hectic days, it’s all we can do to make it to bedtime, but today we’re going to talk about how leading your family brings you closer together, makes decisions easier, and opens up new possibilities in other areas of your life.

Today we have Stewart Friedman and Alyssa Westring on the show. They are organizational psychologists and the authors of Parents Who Lead: The Leadership Approach You Need to Parent with Purpose, Fuel Your Career, and Create a Richer Life. They’re going to give us the skill set we need to lead our families and plan and prioritize our lives around what truly matters to us.

This show will totally change the way you look at your role as a father. Don’t miss this chance to create the family life you always dreamed of!

“Your challenge as a leader is to be conveying values and inspiring people. To do that you do indeed have to be intentional.”—Stewart Freidman

Parents Who Lead

Being a parent can be a disorienting experience filled with disruptive transitions, constant pushes and pulls at work, at home, and in the community, endless to-do lists, and identity crises. It’s easy to lose track of who you are and what really matters most when you’re balancing so much at once.

It doesn’t have to be this way. As a parent, you can harness the power of leadership principles and discover how to thrive in all aspects of your life.

Drawing on their experience as researchers, educators, consultants, coaches, and parents, Friedman and Westring offer a robust and proven method–designed specifically for parents–that will help you gain a greater sense of purpose and control. This method includes:

  • Designing a future based on your core values
  • Engaging with your children in meaningful ways
  • Cultivating a community of caregiving and support, in all parts of your life
  • Experimenting to discover better ways to live and work

Powerful, practical, and indispensable, Parents Who Lead is the guide you need to forge a better future, foster meaningful and mutually rewarding relationships, and design sustainable solutions for creating a richer life for yourself, your children, and your world.

What You’ll Learn

  • Leadership is seeing a better tomorrow and bringing people with you to get there.
  • The science behind leadership
  • Parents know what leadership looks like at work, but when they get home, they get frustrated and become obnoxious micromanagers that no one would want to work for.
  • We put out fires and are used to being reactive.
  • We’re not born with leadership capacities; we have to cultivate them.
  • How growing as a parent will help you become a better leader at work and in all your relationships.
  • Step back and reflect on situations to have meaningful conversations and be more proactive in finding solutions.
  • Ask yourself, what do you stand for? What do you really want your life to be about? Then take action on those beliefs.
  • Value exercise: Draft a list of your values and compare them with your partner’s. Then crystalize your combined vision.
  • Imagine a day 15 years from now? Your ideal day? What are you doing with whom and why?
  • How to get your kids onboard with your family vision
  • Why you should pay attention to the “shoulds” you tell yourself. Are they aligned with your values?
  • The 4-way wins for work, home, community, and self. What can you do within your control that will make things better for all different parts?
  • Engage kids to discover their values and articulate them too.
  • How to get you kids and family to tell you what they need from you.
  • Creating intentional time together in the age of technology
  • Pay attention to the impact you have on your kids and take your impact seriously

“If you do what you care about, you’ll be okay.”—Alyssa Westring


No Bad Kids: The Psychology of Toddler Parenting with Janet Lansbury

Resilience Parenting with Chris Santillo

Your Values: Defining, Planning, and Taking Action

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Stew Friedman


Alyssa Westring




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