your values

Your Values: Defining, Planning, and Taking Action

Our journey if life is not linear. It’s unpredictable. We might be okay when things are going our way, but what happens when we face adversity? How can we know the next right thing to do? How do we pivot and act with grace when we are tested?

A legendary life is about your values—not only knowing what they are, but also defining, planning, and taking action.

Today we have long-time mastermind member, Judd. He joined The Dad Edge Alliance when his marriage was in trouble. He was so programed to avoid confrontation that he didn’t know who he was or what he wanted anymore. He was making his decisions based on others’ expectations and living a life that wasn’t his own.

Judd finally got real and faced the truth. He stopped the lies he was telling himself and looked deep inside to discover what mattered most to him.

Today, Judd lives according to his values. He knows who he is and what he stands for, no matter what happens.

What You’ll Learn

  • The damage of avoiding conflict
  • Why real intimacy can only happen if you really share yourself
  • Using friction as an opportunity to go deeper
  • The practice of naming emotions and expressing yourself
  • How to cope with going through a divorce
  • Why making decisions based on what’s important to you gives you hope for the future
  • Why you must accept that life doesn’t go according to plan
  • Knowing you will be okay no matter what happens
  • Being brutally honest about where you are so you can get to where you want to go

Don’t give up. There is such power in thinking through what’s important, making a plan to live it out, and just doing it. You learn so much, and it becomes part of you.

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