man's soul

The Fires of a Man’s Soul with Stephen Mansfield

You only get one life, and you want it to be legendary. How can you break free from the mundane and live for what fires up your soul?

Today we are honored to have Stephen Mansfield back on The Dad Edge to talk about his new book Men on Fire: Restoring the Forces That Forge Noble Manhood.

Stephen teaches us about The Seven Fires of Manhood, including heritage, battle, friendship, and legacy. He tells us how we can have those hard conversations with our children so that they will be able to face the evils of the world. He also talks about why it’s important to have a circle of friends we would die for, men who are not afraid to tell us what we can’t see about ourselves.

This is an unforgettable show that will leave you excited about forging a noble legacy. Get ready to stoke the fires of your soul!

Don’t just be a male. Be a man. Be a Great Man.

Stephen Mansfield

Stephen Mansfield is a New York Times bestselling author and a popular speaker who also leads a media training firm based in Washington, DC.

Stephen’s humorous but fiery “Mansfield’s Book of Manly Men” has inspired men’s events in the US and abroad. Stephen speaks widely about men, leadership, faith, the lessons of history, and the forces that shape modern culture. His media training firm, The Mansfield Group, has worked with top politicians, CEOs, rock stars, major publishing firms, and educational institutions around the world.

Mansfield lives in Nashville and the nation’s capital with his wife Beverly, an award-winning songwriter and producer.

Men on Fire: Restoring the Forces That Forge Noble Manhood

Men are in crisis. From every direction, they are presented with a deformed masculinity. One that sees women as conquests rather than partners. One that values success at work over success at home. One that hinders true and open friendships with other men who hold them up and hold them accountable. One that presents them as either the bumbling, disconnected dad in sitcoms or the predator in movies and video games (and the news). Men were made for more than this. It’s time to rekindle the fire living inside of them and awaken them to the value of valiant, righteous manhood.

Through inspiring stories and hard-hitting biblical truths, Stephen Mansfield uncovers the seven fires that ought to burn in a man’s soul–the fires of destiny, heritage, friendship, love, battle, legacy, and God. This raw guide to the restoration of a noble, honorable manhood will challenge men of every generation to live well, invest in others, and leave a powerful legacy.

“You have a destiny, but your destiny is fulfilled by investing in the destinies of others.”—Stephen Mansfield

What You’ll Learn

  • Keep an open discussion going with your kids about sex by creating an easygoing vibe for all conversations.
  • Shame has screwed up sex for generations.
  • We don’t need to be nervous about having “the talk” with our kids. Get comfortable.
  • Society is pressing our kids earlier and more harshly than ever. Parents need to swoop in early. Let them hear it from you first.
  • Give it to them straight. Be a two-way channel that always radiates peace and calmness. Your child will feel safe to open up.
  • How Winston Churchill reframed and built on his neglectful father’s legacy in a positive way.
  • The Fire of Heritage—Don’t focus on the shortcomings of your parents and ancestors. Find the powerful things in your family story and use them for strength.
  • You may have a bad father but build on what you can learn from him.
  • Keep your family legacy alive and hand the stories down to your children.
  • Men are meant to be warriors. We are peacefully at war at all times.
  • How to win the battle for ourselves and against “the stupid within.”
  • Every man is fighting a great battle of some kind, and the goal of coming together as a band of brothers is to join them in that battle.
  • A man has got to know how to go to work when he is faced with problems and ask others to help him.
  • Bitterness makes us feel entitled. Entitlement feeds addiction and the victim mindset.
  • The decline of real male friendships leads to a less fulfilling life.
  • Who are you fighting for and who’s fighting for you? Do you have five men you would die for?
  • Free-Fire conversations–Talking with men you trust about anything that needs to be addressed to make your life better or theirs.
  • The power of living an examined life


Building Your Band of Brothers with Stephen Mansfield

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