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You Are Not Unlucky, You Just Make Poor Choices with Nelson Tressler

Nelson Tressler

Nelson Tressler is a motivational speaker, author of The Unlucky Sperm Club, and founder and CEO of IGOTSMARTER: Goals Elevated. Tressler was the first person in his family to graduate college, joined the US Airforce, became the top worldwide producer for the top commercial real estate company, and started over 10 businesses. The goal of IGOTSMARTER is to change the world, one person and one goal at a time. The company implements strategies Nelson learned throughout his grueling childhood experience. He uses goal-setting and personal development techniques to transform the lives of struggling people.

Nelson’s experience with adversity has allowed him to rise above his circumstances and make a name for himself. His grandmother’s belief in him fueled his ambition and he never backed down, despite what everyone thought of him. Tressler stresses the importance of not letting what someone else thinks of you determine your future. You are in charge of who you become, not who other people think you’ll become.

What You’ll Learn: 


Nelson talks about his childhood.


Nelson talks about whether his grandfather regretted his choice.


Nelson dives into growth mindset and how we can stop being victims of our circumstances.


Nelson dives into the power of believing in your kids


Nelson talks about the meaning behind the title of his book.


Nelson gives advice to men who are feeling bogged down by responsibilities and circumstances.


Nelson talks about another tactic from his book.


Nelson talks about how he shares the What If lessons with his boys.


Nelson talks to us about how we can teach our children the lessons from his book.


Nelson talks about the importance of wisdom deposits in your children.


Nelson gives us another story of how his children have overcome adversity.


Nelson talks about the value of time.


How to Improve Your Well-Being in the Face of Adversity with Brian Bisher

Finding Your Inner Strength Through Adversity Comes from Within with Ben Newman

How Overcoming Adversity Can Make You a Better Dad with Nick Dinardo

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Nelson Tressler






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