Richard Ziegler Dad Edge Podcast
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Richard Ziegler – From Victim to Content Zombie

Richard Ziegler, a 47-year-old entrepreneur and father of 10 children joined Larry today and shared some lessons he learned from his first long-term relationship of 20 years and his second relationship with his current wife and their 10 children.

Richard shared that he has had to learn to focus on what he can control, rather than getting caught up in what he can’t control. He believes that this is the key to success and has been using it to make progress in his own life.

Richard’s advice is to focus on what you can control. This means taking action and doing the things that you know need to be done, even if you don’t feel like it. He also suggests using your time wisely. Instead of getting frustrated when you’re stuck in traffic, use that time to consume content that will help you grow.

It can be easy to put everyone else first, especially when it comes to marriage and parenting. We often think of it as a noble thing to do, but in the long run, it can lead to burnout and resentment. We often see this in our social media feeds, with people complaining about doing all the work and not getting anything in return. This is because they are not taking the time to fill their own cup first.

Richard also shares an important tactic for communication. Be proactive, rather than reactive. Proactive communication means taking the time to think before you speak, and considering the other person’s feelings and perspectives. This can help to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings, as well as foster a deeper understanding between both partners.

Taking action is the key to growth and progress, and it is important to remember this as you work to reach your goals. 

Take responsibility, take action, and live legendary gentlemen!

Larry’s Takeaways

  1. Focus on yourself first.
  2. Communicate expectations clearly.
  3. Focus on what you can control.

What You’ll Learn

00:04:34 Focus on yourself first.

00:11:09 Take time to relax together.

00:17:59 Control emotions and be patient.

00:20:07 Proactivity over reactivity.

00:29:50 Communicate expectations clearly.

00:35:31 Execute, don’t just consume.

00:39:08 Focus on what you can control.

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