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Accountability Is the Path to Success with Kalid Yeung

Kalid Yeung

Kalid Yeung is a Mastermind member, business owner, husband, and father of three children. Kalid grew up in a happy-go-lucky household which projected into his later years. Kalid recalls fond memories of his parents and how wonderful his childhood was. Since Kalid joined the Mastermind group, he’s gained valuable skills, improved his relationships, and strengthened his outlook on life.

Today, we are going to be talking about what accountability is and why it is the path to success. Accountability can sound a lot like budget or diet. We sometimes see the word accountability as a joyful process. However, we also tend to think of it as a chore. If you want to take action in your life, accountability is key.

According to the American Society of Training and Development, if you have an idea or goal, you are 10% likely to complete the goal. If you consciously decide you’re going to reach the goal by yourself, you are 25% likely to reach the goal. If you decide when you’re going to reach the goal, you are 40% likely to reach the goal. If you make a plan to reach the goal, you’re 50% likely to reach the goal. When you commit to someone that you will reach the goal, it raises your chance of success to 65%. If you have a specific accountability appointment and weekly cadence, you are 95% likely to reach your goal!

For example, I’ve done the 75 Hard successfully four times. I’ve also failed the 75 Hard four times. The four times I succeeded, I had an accountability partner with whom I checked in almost daily. The four times I failed, I did it alone. This is a prime example of why accountability is the key to success.

What You’ll Learn: 


Kalid dives into what he’s learned in his 14 years of marriage.


Kalid talks about what brings him the most joy in life.


Kalid talks about how he chooses joy instead of choosing unhappiness.


Kalid uncovers what he teaches his children so that they look at the world through a joyful lens.


Kalid gives himself advice if he were to sit at a table with himself 11 years ago.


Kalid talks about how he found clarity in life since he started the Mastermind group.


Kalid talks about what excites him the most about the future.


Kalid talks about how we can move from content zombie to taking action.


Kalid talks about what he and his family are talking about 30 years from now.


Start Reaching Your Goals with an Accountability Partner

No Excuses Fatherhood with Wes Watson

How We Get Through the Realness and Rawness of Fatherhood with Troy Mangum

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