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The Relational Benefits of Intermittent Fasting with Joel Staley

When it comes to fitness and nutrition, many of us are focused only on the physical aspects and the benefits, and at times only being focused on the physical results of our health isn’t enough of a motivator for us to change. Today, my guest Joel Staley and I not only do a deep dive on the physical benefits, but also the mental, emotional, and even relational benefits with our wives and kids. 

Joel Staley is a fitness coach and creator of the Shed Fat FAST program. Through his fasting and fat loss programs he has now served over 1200 clients that have been transformed, and collectively his clients have lost more than 40 thousand pounds in the past three years.

His team is made up of mentors who will help and guide you every step of the way in this new stage of your life. Each of the plans are fully customized and ensure results in 90 days and with lasting effects, but only if you commit and take action.

Joel is a husband to his beautiful wife and father of 3 girls.

What You’ll Learn

4:58 Interview Starts

19:17 Fasting Benefits

Joel Staley mentions the benefits of fasting (he used a term at the beginning that I had not heard and did not understand well, I looked it up in his social media but it does not appear).

When fasting we do a reset of our body, and it has great benefits, for example at a cellular level our body not only focuses on digesting the food but in getting rid of unhealthy cells and regenerate them into new and good ones. This is why you start to have changes in your health and even look younger.

26:08 Shelf Life

For Joel Staley the answer to why we sometimes can’t lose weight is what he calls “shelf life.” Most products have invested in extending the shelf life of foods for profit. So fasting for even 48 hours is like giving your body a chance to cleanse itself of all the unhealthy and processed food.

35:07 Larry’s Fasting Journey

Larry tells a very emotional story about the significant changes he has had in his life since he has been fasting. To begin with, he tells how he was overweight from the age of 17 and then had an intermittent period of gaining and losing weight. By starting to take care of himself and incorporating fasting into his life, he has not only felt better about his body because he has lost weight and is keeping it off, but he has more energy and feels vitalized.

On a family vacation he recently took, he noticed that none of the dads were playing with their kids because they were on the phone or living such an unhealthy life that they didn’t feel like it or had the energy. This meant a lot to him, plus his oldest son acknowledged this and told him he was proud that he was his dad.

53:18 Fasting Programs

Joel Staley talks about how the fasting program works with him. They have designed a process that is easy to carry out but more importantly it is not generic. It’s a plan that is customized to each and every person who comes to him. They also assign you a coach who can take you by the hand, give support and answer questions. It all depends on how much you have and want to lose to see if you need a more or less aggressive approach.

Joel Staley’s Links

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