Own Your Career, Own Your Life with Andy Storch
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Own Your Career, Own Your Life with Andy Storch

If you’re feeling frustrated and trapped, there is good news. It’s never too late to figure out what you want to do with the rest of your life, and you’re in the perfect place right now to take the first step to where you truly want to go.
Andy Storch, author of Own Your Career Own Your Life, is going to teach us how to stop waiting for something to happen and create a life that excites us!

find your why

Get Lit: Forget the Pressure to Find Your Why with Dominick Quartuccio

Today there is so much pressure to find our why, to have a clear purpose in life. Some people seem to have it all figured out. We see them on social media living their dreams. Others think they know what they were meant to be, only to find out they’re unfulfilled. Those of us who haven’t defined a clear purpose yet seem to be looked down upon (or maybe we just feel that way). Dominick Quartuccio, bestselling author of Design Your Future, is back on the show to tell us why you need to forget the pressure to find your why and how to let it reveal itself to you.

Stop Drifting and Consciously Design Your Future with Dominick Quartuccio

Stop Drifting and Consciously Design Your Future with Dominick Quartuccio

Our guest today is author, speaker, and executive coach Dominick Quartuccio. He is here to talk about his book Design Your Future: 3 Simple Steps to Stop Drifting and Take Command of Your Life. He outlines how to upgrade our environments, discipline ourselves efficiently, and rewrite the narrative in our heads so that we can live to our ultimate potential.