
Optimizing Your Finances with Dan Sheeks

I don’t know about the rest of you guys, but I didn’t take personal finance growing up. I had no idea what I was doing when I entered into the real world, as it related to my personal finance. And that’s why I’m interviewing today’s guest. 

My guest is Dan Sheeks. He is the owner and founder of Sheeks freaks, LLC, an online community to help young people live their best lives by making smart money decisions. He’s been helping high school students as a teacher teacher in Denver, Colorado for the past 18 years, and he’s passionate about teaching teenagers early about financial freedom strategies so they can live their best lives in his free time.

On this episode we talk about our personal experiences without a father and we dive into some amazing hacks to help your kids get involved in finances. I mean it, these are some great ideas I have not heard before!

Click on the book cover to purchase Dan’s book,

First To a Million

What You’ll Learn

11:55 Growing up without a father
Dan and Larry share their experience on growing up without a dad and the importance behind having a male figure in the home. Dan talks about this as a disadvantage as well, if the male in the home is not doing his part in supporting, loving and nurturing. But all kids deserve a dad.

15:29 The Backstory behind our parents Actions
Larry and Dan talk about the backstories that led to their fathers not being present in their childhood and how that presents itself to them as adults and how each of them deal with those narratives.

17:45 Two Types of Men
There are 2 types of men. Those who never forgive because of traumatic experiences and those who say, hey, these are the dice that were rolled and thats life, and they make the best of it to move on and make the best future for themselves.

20:04 Tell The American Dream to F*%k Off
Dan’s book has one episode with the above title. Dan explains why the American dream is not the only way to look at financial options and it’s important to talk to young people about those different avenues for them to explore.

22:38 5 Year Vision
Larry talks about the 5 year vision created with his wife. They had planned out goals for retirement but decided to jump ahead on some of those and include them in their 5 yr. vision.

24:23 What Happiness Truly Means
Dan Sheeks talks about where happiness is really found when asking people to list out the top 10 things they want to do in their lives.

32:23 The Concept of Enough
Dan Sheeks speaks on the concept of enough and what that means today in a society that continues to want more and more.

47:34 Teenagers & Credit Cards
Dan explains a strategic way to help your teenagers have a better chance to have a good credit score before they turn 18

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Dan Sheeks’s Links

Sheeks Freeaks



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