How to Approach Your Wife When You’re in Crisis
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How to Approach Your Wife When You’re in Crisis

When we men go into crisis, we have a tendency to shut down. We don’t want to appear like we don’t have it all under control. We don’t want our spouses to worry. Some might think that sharing all of our feelings of anxiety, stress, anger, or overwhelm with our spouse is the logical alternative, but this isn’t the answer either. There’s a fine line between what and how we as husbands should share bad news with our wives.

The Driven Dad Fitness and Nutrition Bootcamp
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The Driven Dad Fitness and Nutrition Bootcamp

In this episode, we have a panel discussion with Dr. Adrian Chavez of Your Nutrition Prescription and Chris Hughes from The Driven Dad. They have put together a fully-customized 8-week fitness and nutrition bootcamp for dads. We also talk to members Rashad and Mickey about what made this bootcamp unique and how it has transformed their health and their lives!

The Mindset Shift That Will Transform Your Relationships
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The Mindset Shift That Will Transform Your Relationships

Dad Edge Alliance member Ed Dillon is a single father of four who’s had two failed marriages. Ed spent years wondering why his relationships, including the ones with his kids, were falling flat. He talks about what mindset shift took place that shed light on all he was doing wrong and how this lead to some of the most profound moments of connection in his life.