Being a Beacon of Light with David Rosales

It doesn’t matter if you are an everyday dad or like my guest today, who is a celebrity and in the limelight where there’s demands on his time, demands on everything. And yet still can carve out time for his wife and for his kids. And when the world is uncertain and we kind of live in some turmoil, we have the opportunity, no matter what level we’re operating at to use our gifts and talents to be a shining light and a beacon of light in someone else’s darkness.

My guest for this episode, David Rosales is the lead singer of the David Rosales Band. Today we are going to hear his story as a man, husband and father. He tells the story of how he was on top of a building in Los Angeles.

Even when everyone needs something from him as an artist, he still finds time to carve for his family. He shares some wonderful stories of how regardless of what life throws at us we can use our gifts, our strengths and our talents to be a beacon of light and hope and maybe just a bit of an escape.

What You’ll Learn

7:27 Interview Begins

13:52 What the Pandemic Did

For David Rosales, even though he is a musician, having a break because of the pandemic was a positive thing, he was able to connect with his family, spend quality time with them, become a sort of multi-tasking dad and bond with his community through a series of mini-concerts.

32:22 The Power of Music

David Rosales as a musician comments that unlike other types of art, by making music and singing, his grandchildren or great-grandchildren will be able to hear his voice and listen through his songs their family’s legacy. He says he has a song about one of his ancestors who fought in the Battle of the Alamo and another he made for his daughter Emily. He considers his music to be a kind of autobiography with audio.

49:09 Becoming a Father

David Rosales talks about what being a father means to him, it’s an adventure he always wanted to take and one he can’t imagine being without in his life. Being a dad changes your life and your perspective, everything changes, including your priorities.

55:16 The First Time I saw her Face

David mentions that from the moment he saw his daughter he fell in love with her and between him and his wife they have made sure that she has a little bit of everything, that is, not only the stereotypes of the color pink for girls, just as they bought her a surfboard, they also bought her a kitchen set. They have tried to raise her to be well-rounded, strong, and independent.

1:04:39 Setting an example

For David Rosales, raising his son is no different than what he has done with his daughter, in the end he wants them both to take responsibility and accountability for their actions. But he knows that both he and his wife have a very important role to play as they must be the role models in their lives, set the example for them, as parents you prepare your children for success or failure, and that weight is on them so they strive to be a good example to follow.

David Rosales’ Links

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