one last talk

One Last Talk: Your Truth Matters with Philip McKernan

If you had one last talk to deliver to the world, what would you say? Who would you say it to?

Philip McKernan is a speaker, author, and enlightened hooligan. He is the creator of the One Last Talk speaking series and author of One Last Talk: Why Your Truth Matters and How to Deliver It.

Philip talks about how all of us have endured some kind of childhood trauma, and that no matter how perfect we try to be, we are going to hurt and disappoint our kids too. But Philip also tells us how we can find our greatest gifts by exploring our deepest wounds, and why we must speak our truth to heal ourselves and others.

This episode is going to hit you hard and stay with you a long time. Give yourself space to listen and time to reflect. It will transform your life.

“Everything we want lies just beyond a conversation we’re not willing to have.”—Philip McKernan

Philip McKernan

Philip works with entrepreneurs and business leaders all over the world. When people are seeking clarity about their future or want to move through roadblocks, seen and unseen, they call Philip. As a speaker, he has inspired and challenged the Canadian Olympic Team and The Pentagon to name a few. He is also the founder and is spearheading the One Last Talk™ movement.

He helps people get clear on who they are and where they need to go. He helps them transition in their personal and professional lives so people feel aligned in all areas of life. Philip believes who and what we do ‘off the ice’ has a huge impact on our results ‘on the ice’. His groundbreaking Team Deepening™ work with organizations gives teams a refreshing way to connect and build real and collective resilience.

What separates Philip from a lot of coaches, speakers and gurus is originality. He brings new conversations to the table and spends an obscene amount of time thinking and challenging the status quo, instead of simply repackaging business & life hacking strategies. Philip McKernan is a philosopher, a modern day philosopher of the human experience. His pioneering philosophy around SoulSet™ equips and empowers people to uncover their gifts and impact the world.

With a knack of getting into all sorts of scenarios – he’s caddied in golf for the President of Ireland, been chased and nearly killed by a bull elephant in Nigeria and made wine in Australia. He has traveled to 80 countries around the globe, built an orphanage in Peru, written 5 books despite being dyslexic and created his first documentary film called Give & Grow. The film explores how the gift of giving makes us feel more worthy and alive. It also explores the science behind the impact of giving on our emotional well being, our mental health, our physiology, and our businesses.

Philip believes the path to a happy and fulfilling life is found through the meaning we derive in life through the WORK we do, our relationship to OTHERS and the most important relationship of all, the one with one’s SELF.

One Last Talk

This shocking and provocative question is at the core of the remarkable and inspiring book, One Last Talk: Why Your Truth Matters And How To Deliver It. This book emerged from the speaking series designed to help people discover their truth, and then speak it out loud, developed by renowned coach Philip McKernan.

In this book, McKernan goes beyond the event, and dives into what it means to discover your truth and speak it, why people should do this, and then deeply explains exactly how this can be done. If you feel living more authentically could allow you to have a greater impact on others, or you can’t find the words to speak your truth as boldly as you know you need to, this is the book for you.

Make no mistake, the path McKernan lays out is simple, but not easy, because your greatest gift lies next to your deepest wounds.

What You’ll Learn

  • Anyone who says they had the perfect childhood is lying to lying to themselves.
  • Our parents are flawed because they are human and they all lack in some way.
  • How to separate our parents from their behaviors so we can see them as people
  • When it’s our turn to become parents, we either repeat history or try desperately not to repeat it. Either way, it’s not an organic way of parenting
  • Everyone has had significant trauma, but we underplay it.
  • What’s the point of uncovering past trauma? The cracks from unresolved trauma start to appear later in our lives.
  • Examining not only how trauma hurt us, but how it served us
  • How uncovering childhood trauma can actually strengthen your relationship with your parents
  • Knowing you will mess up as a parent allows you to let go of perfection.
  • How do you know if you’re being a good dad? Your internal compass will tell you.
  • We underestimate our kids’ ability to comprehend how we feel.
  • Why Philip includes his kids in every conversation
  • Showing your kids your weakness allows them to become strong for you.
  • As kids get older and go through tough times, you will want your kids to share their struggles and fears with you. But you can’t expect them to do that if you have never come to them for support. By not sharing with them, you’ve trained them not to share with you.
  • Kids long for validation, so we must be aware of what we’re giving our attention to.
  • When we don’t speak our truth, it slowly destroys us.
  • Amazing things happen when you release your truth into the world.
  • 95% of people die with regrets.
  • We must live as the most authentic version of ourselves so our kids can be inspired to do the same.
  • Why Philip would die for his children, but refuses to live his life for them.
  • How to get started with that One Last Talk
  • We’re already being driven by our past. Living the future is a way of escaping the now. We need to face the present.
  • The more you try not to be like somebody, the more you become more like them.
  • We isolate because we don’t feel good enough and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
  • We give ourselves what we feel we deserve in life.
  • Self-sabotage exists in even the highest-level performers.
  • The people who are telling you how great everything is are the ones who are the most insecure.
  • Philip’s job on this earth is to eradicate loneliness. He believes the greatest pandemic we’re facing is isolation.


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Philip McKernan’s links





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Guest Speakers

Dr. Meg Meeker
New York Times Bestselling Author of “Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters” and “HERO”
Anthony Trucks
Former NFL Football Player and American Ninja Warrior
Aaron Walker
Founder of View From the Top and bestselling author of “View from the Top” and coming soon “Isolation is the Enemy of Excellence.”
Dominic Quartuccio
Bestselling author of “Design Your Future.”


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