3 Reasons to Take Your Kids on a One-On-One Trip…The 3rd Reason will really hit home.
It has been 9 months since I have started this Project.
There is one critical lesson I have learned…it is not the destination of this project that matters…it’s the Journey.
The Journey has transformed my life and the life of my family. I have learned so many lessons along the way from other Dads who are a part of our community. My hope is that this community has inspired you as well.
Because here’s the thing…being a Dad can be humbling and even frustrating at times (even though we don’t admit it).
It’s small little changes along the way that can make all the difference.
One of the most important lessons I have learned is the importance of one-on-one time with each of the kids.
If this is your first time here…I am a Dad of 3 boys.
So, it is extremely complicated to get one-on-one time with each kiddo. Just like any other family, we have homework, sports, church, family time, time with friends, and work.

The work life balance is always a juggling act.
Hence the reason I am writing this blog at 10pm on a Friday night just after I got the crew to bed.
So, let’s talk about what you came here to read…
The 3 Reasons to Take Each of Your Kids on a one-on-one trip.
If you are a Dad that takes their kids on a “date night (0r day)” …kuddos to you! Most Dads try and get out for some one-on-one time.
However, I absolutely challenge you to take it to the next level.
I challenge you to take an actual trip.

It doesn’t have to extravagant from financial point of view. However, it has to be a trip that gets you both out of the daily grind for 48-36 hours.
Think of it this way…you have been in the work grind for how many days, weeks, months?
I imagine a long time.
How long has your kid been in the school, homework, and/or sports grind? Days? Weeks? Months?
A trip with just the two of you might just be what the doctor ordered.

Last month I took my 6 year old to Colorado Springs, CO for 4 days. This was actually the 4th one-on-one trip I have done with my 2 oldest. I started taking each of boys on their own trip 2 years ago. It has been nothing short of epic and so worth it.

This last trip was one of the most amazing trips we have ever been on.
We got to see and do a lot of things…we went up to the summit of Pikes Peak, we hiked through Garden of the Gods, we hiked through Pikes Peak, and we took an ATV tour through Canon City in the mountains.
I will definitely tell you that the sites were amazing…however…there was something that was much more amazing.
It allowed my son and I to totally disconnect from our daily grind for 4 days. For him there was no school, no homework, and no sports. For me, there was no work, no emails, no deadlines, and no obligations.
Our only mission was to enjoy the moment and be present. Our only “to-do” was to enjoy each others company while we explored.
There was nothing distracting us. There was only us and the expereince of the trip.
So…this leads me to our top 3 Reasons to get out and do this!
1. Gets you out of the daily grind and into the moment:
Getting you out of your daily routine sparks a new connection and experience.
No kidding around…nothing will create memories more than getting out of your routine and into something new. Being able to experience a new environment together for the first time will create some unforgettable memories.

2. Your kids will open up to you:
Getting your kids out of their daily grind and experiencing new adventures will open them up more than you can imagine.
The fact that you and your kiddo are out exploring new things will put your relationship on a whole new level.
They will open up to you like they never have.
I got to know each kid way more on a deeper level on each of our trips compared to being at home and asking them about their day at school.

3. The memories are priceless:
As each of our kids get older they will gradually pull away from us.
This is a tough thing for us as Moms and Dads.
Before we know it, our kids have grown into adolescence and they really don’t want much to do with us.
We truly only have about 10 years to make a lasting impact when it comes to some stellar memories. When I tell you that a one-on-one trip will pay dividends later, I absolutely mean it. Your kids will talk about that one-on-one adventure for years to come.

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Thanks for stopping by and giving this a read. If it really hit home, please share on your FB.
All the best,
Founder of the GDP