
The Dad Edge Mailbox for August 2019

Today, I pull some listener questions from The Dad Edge mailbox. If you have questions for The Dad Edge Podcast, send your email to [email protected] and your question might be featured in the next show!

We’re going to cover:

  • workouts
  • morning routines
  • trips away from the kids
  • and what it’s like to be a change agent in people’s lives.

I also give a powerful visualization exercise to make sure you’re chasing the right vision for your life. NO REGRETS!

Legacy is forever…

Have a question for The Dad Edge? Send it to [email protected].



Becoming a Legendary Couple After the Kids

How to Unf*ck Yourself with Gary John Bishop

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Thanks for the support.



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Check out this free resource on: CONNECTION WITH YOUR SPOUSE

Download this free resource on:  CONNECTION WITH YOUR KIDS


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