Surviving a Full to Empty Nest Transition with Matt Meline

We only have 18 summers with our kids, and then they’re gone. As much as we don’t wanna think about it. Our kids will not be under our own roof forever. Today, my guest and I talk about ways we can embrace moments, be a hundred percent present with our kids, create a relationship with our wives, where it feels like we’re always newly dating, no matter how long we’ve been together and how we can save for the future.

Father of 4 graduates and loving husband, Matt Meline is the founder and CEO of PrairieFire, a company dedicated to helping financial planning and advice. 

Matt is committed to improving his clients’ quality of life through better money planning and investments by building the components to help families prepare so that when their children go to college it is not an issue of stress or conflict, and helping them plan for an exciting empty nest lifestyle along with a financial plan for the second half of their lives.

A graduate of the University of Northern Iowa, Matt traveled the Midwest primarily as senior manager for various banking organizations but in the mid 1990s decided to become a full time financial planner.

What You’ll Learn

6:32 Not so Funny

Larry asks funny or warm-up questions, but the last one is more serious and from there they continue in the interview, for me from here it already counts as part of due to the type of topics they talke about

22:48 Empty Nest

Matt Meline talks about his book “Empty nest, full pockets” which covers the issues of surviving emotionally and financially the transition of letting your children grow. It’s about finding a balance between letting them leave the nest and being ready for this change. Many people put things aside for their children and when they leave, it can affect them negatively. It’s discovering who you are after your children leave the nest.

34:34 Becoming a Partner

For Matt Meline, it’s very important that when your child is making a decision about his or her future at a college or university, you become more of a partner than an authoritarian figure. You must have the wisdom to be able to advise them and be involved in the decisions about where to go, how to pay, what type of college is best and above all that they can talk about it as if they were partners to prevent them from moving away or not telling you anything.

42:18 How to Pay for College

 Matt Meline shares several scenarios for being able to pay for your children’s college, as well as tips on how to split the bills, what you would pay as their parent and what they would pay.

Matt Meline’s Links

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