how to protect your kids online

How to Protect Your Kids: Online Predators, Cyberbullying, and Sexual Content with Titania Jordan

As dads, we are the protectors, the warriors. But how can we protect our children when we don’t know what we’re up against? Whether it’s a tablet, phone, or computer—our kids are exposed to a minefield of predators, cyberbullies, and sexual content. We are the first generation with this problem. What is the best way to protect our children from this insidious danger?

This show is scary, but we are at war. As fathers, we have a duty and responsibility to keep our kids safe. We give our sons and daughters seatbelts in the car and helmets when they ride a bike. In this digital age, we need to give them the same kind of safety gear for navigating the internet.

Today we have Titania Jordan on The Dad Edge. She is the Chief Parent Officer at Bark, an app that helps families manage and protect their children’s online lives. She tells us the disturbing reality of what our kids are exposed to on the internet. She gives us a guide on how and when to talk to our kids about what they may encounter on the internet and the best way to protect them from online predators, cyberbullying, and sexual content.

This show will disturb and enrage you, but it’s the information parents desperately need. Don’t miss it!

Titania Jordan

As CPO, Titania drives Bark’s marketing, customer acquisition, and media relations efforts and is an industry-leading source of expertise and advice for the broader community. She has extensive experience at the intersection of families and technology, formerly serving as CMO at KidsLink, co-founder/CMO at Privet, and executive director of Band of Coders Girls Academy.

Titania holds a bachelor’s degree in marketing, and enjoys painting and building some pretty sweet LEGO cities with her family in her downtime.


As a busy parent, reading every text message, post, and email just isn’t realistic.

Instead, Bark was created by parents, for parents to offer a better, easier, and more effective way to keep children safe online.

Created in collaboration with child psychologists, youth advisors, digital media experts, and law enforcement professionals, Bark delivers a research-backed, kid-friendly solution for safeguarding families as technology changes how and where we communicate.

Get a 7-day free trial plus 10% off! free trial

What You’ll Learn

  • 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be the victims of sexual abuse in some shape or form before the age of 18.
  • Access frequency and points to the internet are exponential for our children.
  • 3 out of 4 tweens and teens are cyberbullied or have witnessed cyberbullying. Only 11% will talk to parents about it.
  • Half of tweens and 3 out of 4 teens engage in conversations on the internet about depression, self-harm, and suicide.
  • Suicide is 2nd cause of death 10 to 24-year-olds in US.
  • 70% of tweens (ages 8-12) and 84% teens have been exposed to sexual content.
  • 1 in 4 teens are sexting.
  • Your child can get into trouble for sending, receiving, or forwarding a nude of an underage peer.
  • Bark produced a documentary about what happened when a 37-year-old mom posed as young girl on social media. Watch it here.
  • Adult men, not women, are sexually exploiting children online.
  • Titania believes it’s our job as parents to raise men who do not become sexual predators.
  • Online predators do not look like criminals. They are often normal, everyday people—doctors, pastors, and fathers.
  • Some adult men abuse because they were abused themselves. These people need rehab, support, and therapy.
  • Kids are afraid to speak up because of shame or they’re afraid that their devices will be taken away.
  • Make sure your kids know it’s okay to come to you if they feel uncomfortable.
  • Be mindful of not only your child’s screen time, but also your own. Set the example.
  • With the Bark app, you will get an alert for suspicious activity, plus a report on how to discuss it with your child.


How to Talk to Your Kids About Pornography with Kristen Jenson

Protecting Your Family from Gaming Addiction with Cam Adair

The Truth About Your Kids and Technology: Exclusive Dad Edge Alliance Q&A with Cal Newport


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Online Predator Documentary: Social Media Dangers Exposed by Mom Posing as 11-Year-Old


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