The Science and  Process of Leadership with Errol Doebler
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The Science and  Process of Leadership with Errol Doebler

For some effective leadership is a characteristic that many aspire to have or achieve. But while leadership can be a characteristic, it’s also a science, a process, and an art. Today my guest shares how we can become an effective leader in all facets of our life by learning the art, the science and the…

Conquering Marriage and Relationship Dynamics with John Gray
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Conquering Marriage and Relationship Dynamics with John Gray

When it comes to marriage and relationship dynamics, men and women not only operate differently, but we’re wired differently. Understanding and navigating these differences can easily be the difference between a successful and fulfilling marriage and a disaster. Today my guest shares not only the differences of men and women, but how we can overcome…

Being the Changemaker in Marriage with Kurt Young
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Being the Changemaker in Marriage with Kurt Young

When it comes to redesigning our entire marriages, it’s all about controlling ourselves and being the change maker, not pointing the fingers. We only can control what we can control, and we need to be focused on ourselves. Learning skills like tactical empathy, using emotional labels, using mirroring, using generative questions, and creating an environment…

Anthony Arismendi on How to Tap Into Your Limitless Power of Resilience
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Anthony Arismendi on How to Tap Into Your Limitless Power of Resilience

When it comes to resilience as a man, husband, and father, it’s a critical skill that we often overlook, but yet, it’s so vitally important. Today my guest shares unforgettable, vivid stories of growing up on the streets of Venezuela, constantly in survival mode and fighting for his life until the age of 15 where…

The Relational Benefits of Intermittent Fasting with Joel Staley
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The Relational Benefits of Intermittent Fasting with Joel Staley

When it comes to fitness and nutrition, many of us are focused only on the physical aspects and the benefits, and at times only being focused on the physical results of our health isn’t enough of a motivator for us to change. Today, my guest Joel Staley and I not only do a deep dive…