Navy SEAL Chad Williams

SEAL of God with Navy SEAL Chad Williams

Today we have a badass who is also an everyday dude. Navy SEAL Chad Williams is the author of SEAL of God, a husband, and a father. He tells us why servant leadership is more effective than just looking out for ourselves. He reveals why reaching our biggest goals can make us unhappy. He also teaches us how a spiritual practice can put our lives in perspective so that we can use adversity as a wing and become warriors for those we love.

Navy SEAL Chad Williams

Chad Williams is a former U.S. Navy SEAL, having served his country proudly from 2004-2010. Now engaged in full-time ministry work, Chad uses the training and experience he gained as a SEAL to help communicate the Gospel to others. Chad and his wife, Aubrey, live in Huntington Beach, California.

Seal of God

Days before Chad Williams was to report to military duty in Great Lakes, Illinois, he turned on a television and was greeted with the horrifying images of his mentor, US Navy SEAL Scott Helvenston, being brutally murdered in a premeditated ambush on the roads of Fallujah, Iraq. Steeled in his resolve, Chad followed in Scott’s footsteps and completed the US military’s most difficult and grueling training to become a Navy SEAL. One of only 13 from a class of 173 to make it straight through to graduation, Chad served his country on SEAL Teams One and Seven for five years, completing tours of duty in the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Iraq.

Part memoir, part evangelism piece, SEAL of God follows Chad’s journey through the grueling Naval Ops training and onto the streets of Iraq, where he witnessed the horrors of war up close. Along the way, Chad shares his own radical conversion story and talks about how he draws on his own experiences as a SEAL to help others better understand the depths of Christ’s sacrifice and love.

What You’ll Learn

  • While in community college, Chad realized he was turning into a loser.
  • He turned this whole life upside down by going to the extreme. He went for the SEALs.
  • The greater the need, the greater the result.
  • If you aim small, you miss small and hit something close to the goal.
  • Chad’s dad tried to discourage him from the SEALs, arranging a workout session with a real SEAL.
  • That is how he met Scott Helvenston, who took Chad under his wing.
  • No one gets through SEAL training just for themselves. It has to be bigger than them.
  • Jesus didn’t come to be served, but to serve.
  • Today everyone is looking out for themselves. We need more servant leaders.
  • Servant leadership cultivates true loyalty.
  • The secret to the SEALs–team first, buddy second. “I” comes last.
  • Adversity invades our lives in a way that is beyond our control.
  • The one thing we can control is the way we respond
  • We get to. decide if the adversity is a wing or a weight.
  • Once you get over one adversity, there will be more. Learn how to find the wing you can ride in the moment.
  • You can be forged by adversity, or it will be your demise.
  • Scott Helvenston’s violent death in Iraq enraged Chad.
  • Part of Chad’s fuel for BUDs was revenge. He used it to finish training.
  • Moving forward after graduating, the wind was taken out of his sail.
  • “The loneliest moment in life is when you have just experienced that which you thought would deliver the ultimate & it has just let you down.”—Ravi Zacharias
  • You think you’ll be satisfied once you reach your goal, but you are not. That is why super successful people destroy themselves.
  • Secretly Chad was miserable after graduation.
  • A spiritual life put things in the correct perspective so that Chad could finally enjoy everything he achieved.
  • Chad feels like he is falling short as a dad, but he’s teaching the fundamentals of a Christian family.
  • Reading is feeding, and your spiritual health needs it.
  • Pray with your kids with the A.C.T.S. prayer formula–adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication
  • Don’t just go to church, get involved.
  • Share. Know God and make him known.

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