Bedros Keuilian - How To Man Up
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How to Man Up and Kick A$$ in Life with Bedros Keuilian

This interview I did live. I flew out to Los Angeles and sat down with Bedros Keuilian. This individual has an amazing story. A self-made entrepreneur who escaped communism to come to the United States when he was just a kid. A true rags to riches story, no doubt.

Bedros Keuilian is a best-selling author, speaker and business consultant. He’s the founder and CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp, one of the nation’s fastest growing franchises and an investor in over a dozen companies ranging from subscription software platforms, digital ad agencies as well as mastermind and coaching services.

He’s known as the hidden genius that entrepreneurs, best-selling authors and thought leaders turn to when they want to create high level mastermind and coaching programs, quickly scale their businesses and solve their most pressing bottlenecks so that they can make the quantum leap to massive success.

What You’ll Learn

8:11 Interview Begins

Larry and Bedros talk about how they saw eachother at the gym and the importance of gratitude.

8:38 Being Open & Honest
Just because you decide to be honest, it doesn’t mean it will be easy. Dave shares a time in his marriage when he decided to leave no secrets out and it made his marriage stronger.

9:41 What Happens outside of work
Bedros shares what for him are the important little things, like working out with his family and doing this with a small group of people or himself. As an introvert, he likes to recharge batteries doing activities that prep him for the social engagements.

15:28 Blood is Thicker Than Water

Bedros explains the real meaning behind this quote that is so misused and misinterpreted.

17:00 Don’t Throw Your Children

Bedros talks about funny experiences that he has had as a father.

18:07 The Primal Hot Tub

Bedros talks about the experience of being in a hot tub with his son.

20:22 My Experience with my father

Bedros shares about his childhood and his experience with father and the challenges that brought.

24:48 The Best With What They Had

Larry and Bedros talk about their experiences as children and how they now think that their parents did the best they could with what they had.

26:49 The Importance of Core Values

Bedros and Larry both talk about how important core values are.

35:59 Caught Not Taught

40:28 Setting up the rules

Bedros provides his insights to how his marriage works based on defining the lanes for what he does and what she does

45:40 All Momma Bird Wants…

Bedros shares a quick story that his therapist brought some light too in regards to providing safety and how that is viewed by his wife.

49:52 Rite of Passage

Larry talks about an experience he went throught with one of his sons.

52:55 The Squire Program

Bedros talks about how the squire program came to be.

57:00 Andrew’s Rite of Passage

Bedros talks about his son’s rite of passage ritual.

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