becoming a great husband
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Black Belt Husband with Quentin Hafner

Today’s guest is Quentin Hafner, author of Black Belt Husband: A Marriage Book for Men. He’s a couples counselor by day and a Brazilian jujitsu practitioner by night. Quentin has developed a methodology to becoming a great husband inspired by the martial arts belt system.

There is no need to feel hopeless when your marriage hits a wall, even if the sex has all but disappeared and you and your spouse at moments hate each other. Quentin Hafner breaks it all down for us in this episode!

lone wolf syndrome

The Cure for Lone Wolf Syndrome

Today we have Dad Edge Alliance Team Leader “The Bearded” John Williams on the show. A rising tide lifts all ships, and by doing life with good men, John has stopped drifting and is now actively shaping his destiny. His wife Ashley also makes a surprise appearance and gives us the lowdown on the changes she has seen in John since he’s had men to share the highs and lows with.

dave hollis

How to Optimize The Structure of Work, Family, and Fulfillment with Dave Hollis

We are stoked to have Dave Hollis on The Dad Edge. Dave worked for Disney for 17 years selling movies like Star Wars and The Avengers to theaters, and he recently left his position to help his wife Rachel develop her business. Dave tells us why he quit what most people would consider a dream job and how he and his wife grow their media company while raising four kids. He also talks about their technique called ‘frontloading’ to optimize the structure of work, family, and fulfillment for an incredible life.

Embracing the Parenting Journey
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Embracing the Parenting Journey

As men, we often feel alone on our journeys—especially when it comes to parenting. Today’s guest is Dad Edge Alliance member, Simon. He talks about how when his wife got pregnant he didn’t want to have a boy because it would force him to confront issues he didn’t want to deal with. The thought of becoming a parent baffled him, but once his son was born he realized that shedding his former self and embracing the parenting journey came naturally.

Strategies to Keep Calm Through the Chaos

4 Strategies to Keep Calm Through the Chaos

Sometimes, life throws us a curveball. We might be cruising along, meeting all our goals, right on track for the future. Our family is thriving. Life is good, then suddenly we are launched into chaos.

Gene Villeneuve tells us about how coped with this huge upheaval in his life and four of his personal strategies to keep calm through the chaos.