Embracing the Parenting Journey
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Embracing the Parenting Journey

As men, we often feel alone on our journeys—especially when it comes to parenting. Today’s guest is Dad Edge Alliance member, Simon. He talks about how when his wife got pregnant he didn’t want to have a boy because it would force him to confront issues he didn’t want to deal with. The thought of becoming a parent baffled him, but once his son was born he realized that shedding his former self and embracing the parenting journey came naturally.

Hard Love: How to Raise Resilient Kids
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Hard Love: How to Raise Resilient Kids

Today we have Dad Edge Alliance member Daniel Nolan on the show. He is a self-confessed helicopter parent in recovery and the creator of the Hard Love Project. Helicopter parenting is when we hover over our children to make sure nothing bad happens to them.

We’re all guilty of this at times, but Daniel tells us how to raise resilient kids by challenging them to step out of their comfort zone and exposing them to life. He also talks about how we can design regular emotional, social, and physical challenges for our kids to boost their confidence and independence.

How to Quit Your Job in 12 Months Part 2 with Ryan Enk
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How to Quit Your Job in 12 Months Part 2 with Ryan Enk

Ryan Enk from CashflowDadlife is back on the show for Part 2 of our series on how to start investing in real estate with little money and no experience.

Ryan helps people achieve financial freedom in one year or less using creative, under-the-radar real estate investment strategies that have huge money-making potential.

Today we talk about how to conquer the fear mindset when real estate investing, how knowledge decreases our investment risk, and how to make the most of the unknown and untapped financial resources that we all have available to us.

Ryan also tells us about his new book, The 7 Day Real Estate Survival Blueprint. The moves Ryan shares in this episode might make your head explode a little bit, so make sure you download it to listen again later.

The Life-Changing Benefits of Practicing Gratitude
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The Life-Changing Benefits of Practicing Gratitude

We all go through ups and downs, and it’s easy to focus on whatever is going wrong in our lives, but being stressed and worried all the time works against us. A negative mindset literally makes us dumber! But we can shift our attitude by appreciating what we do have going for us. Here’s how Dad Edge Alliance member Dwayne did it.