Scott McCarthy – The 4 Stages of Leadership

Scott McCarthy – The 4 Stages of Leadership

Scott McCarthy is a distinguished Canadian Army officer whose leadership journey began early, leading him to command an 80-soldier platoon at age 24 and later a 200-member Logistics Squadron, while also serving as a mentor in Afghanistan. He currently serves as both a senior Canadian Army officer and Chief Leadership Officer at Moving Forward Leadership, where he hosts a podcast sharing insights from his two decades of military experience.

Jake Scott Dad Edge

Jake Scott – Behind the Music: The Joys and Challenges of Marriage and Parenthood

Jake Scott is an American singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. While at the university, he began to write and record music–launching his career. In fall of 2013, Jake Scott released his first, self-produced EP, “Of Life and Love and Longing”. Jake’s passion for music was influenced by the sacrifices his father made to be actively involved in his life.

Getting your Kid to be Honest with You
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Getting Your Kid to Be Honest with You

What are we supposed to do when our kids admit to doing something wrong?
When they are small, it may be a fight on the playground or a grade on a test. As they get older, they’ll have to navigate sex, drugs, and peer pressure. The risks are bigger, and the consequences are more serious.
Today we talk about getting your kid to be honest with you, no matter what.

family leadership
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The Process of Family Leadership—Dad Edge Alliance Exclusive Q&A with Errol Doebler

We have an intense experience for you today. Errol Doebler, former Navy SEAL and FBI Special Agent, is back on the show.
He participated in a live event with the Dad Edge Alliance, where more than 70 men had the opportunity to listen to his arsenal of family leadership training and got a chance to ask him questions about the process to become strong leaders for their families.