Mike Baldwin – The Bulletproof Mind

Mike Baldwin – The Bulletproof Mind

Mike Baldwin is the VP of Operations for Grossman on Truth. He is also an experienced Law Enforcement Professional with a proven history in successfully working high profile and sensitive investigations, and co-author of the book “The Bulletproof Mind”. In this episode, Mike shares insights on developing a bulletproof mind and cultivating resilience. He also opens up about his upbringing in Arizona, growing up in a big family with parents who loved him and adopted him.

Roman Prokopchuk - Dad Edge Podcast

Roman Prokopchuk – A Dad’s Guide to Fostering Love and Security

Roman Prokopchuk is the Founder and CEO of Nova Zora Digital, and host of the Digital Savage Experience Podcast. He is also known as the digital savage, a self-taught digital marketer who ventured into the field out of necessity and developed a passion for it. He is also a foster parent who has welcomed 29 kids into his home since June 2018.

Mark Usher Dad Edge Podcast
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Mark Usher – How to Rekindle the Flame with Your Wife

Mark Usher is a husband, father, and men’s coach who is dedicated to helping men lead fulfilling lives as heroes in their relationships, families, and communities. He is also the creator of the Heroic Husbands Men’s Circle, and the host of the “Be The Husband She Brags About” podcast. With a background in psychology and coaching, Mark has a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing modern men, and he uses this knowledge to support and empower them.

Create an Unbeatable Mind, Body, and Become Sealfit with Mark Divine

Create an Unbeatable Mind, Body, and Become Sealfit with Mark Divine

Mark Divine will make you challenge yourself. This is the consistent message of Mark Divine, founder of SEALFit, author of Unbeatable Mind and Kokoro Yoga-Warrior Yoga. Right now, you are capable of more than you are right now. Mark Divine continues to prove this with countless client success stories; the GDP’s own Larry Hagner is…

new dad

Being a New Dad in the Early Years by Chris Cottle

As I think back over the last 10 years of being a father, I reflect on the joys and the struggles of the early days. There have been many joyous moments such as being there when my son was born, watching him smile as he woke up from a nap, his first words, his first steps and I can go on and on. But the biggest struggle through all those joyous moments was I physically could not tell him that I loved him.