Larry Hagner – Top 10 Lessons for a Successful Marriage

Larry Hagner – Top 10 Lessons for a Successful Marriage

In this episode, Larry Hagner delves into the glaring absence of comprehensive education on what makes a marriage successful, and the trials many couples face as a result of this deficiency in knowledge and skills. Larry turns the spotlight on his own marriage, expressing his heartfelt gratitude as he crosses the two-decade milestone. Additionally, Larry touches upon the escalating divorce rates and explores whether a lack of these crucial skills might be a major contributing factor.

Roman Prokopchuk – A Dad’s Guide to Fostering Love and Security

Roman Prokopchuk – A Dad’s Guide to Fostering Love and Security

Roman Prokopchuk is the Founder and CEO of Nova Zora Digital, and host of the Digital Savage Experience Podcast. He is also known as the digital savage, a self-taught digital marketer who ventured into the field out of necessity and developed a passion for it. He is also a foster parent who has welcomed 29 kids into his home since June 2018.