jason mackenzie

How Embracing Vulnerability will Strengthen your Resolve and Manhood with Jason MacKenzie

The life that Jason Mackenzie had longed for was ripped out from underneath him when the mother of his daughters was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. After years of trying to hide the pain of watching his wife literally fall apart before him, Jason had to face the reality that his dream life was gone. His wife committed suicide and left him to raise their two daughters on his own. To deal with the pain of his wife’s condition, Jason turned to drinking.

jason mackenzie

Drunk to Monk by Jason MacKenzie

Jason Mackenzie drank for a long time. He drank to cope with his wife’s battle with bipolar disorder. He drank to cope with her suicide. He drank for years afterwards so he didn’t have to grieve her death. And he drank so he didn’t have to try to be the man his heart knew he could be. Jason Mackenzie submitted this article to the Good Dad Project from his own blog, The Book of Open. I have to tell you, he really opens up his world with this article. It’s incredibly impactful. Sit back, hold on tight…this article is a game changer.