Marc Hildebrand
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Overcoming Obstacles & Burnout in Your Life w/ Marc Hildreband

Are you struggling and suffering from burnout and feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you have all the strategies and read all sorts of books but things are not changing for you. Well, then you are in for a treat. 

Marc Hildebrand is a husband, father, best selling author, coach and currently serving in law enforcement for the LAPD. A critical part of his success was discovering his proprietary framework called The PUSH Method, a mindself philosophy to discover your own solutions by overcoming your own subconscious obstacles. He now empowers other leaders to avoid burnout and live a life more aligned with their legacy. This episode will help you get there.

What You’ll Learn

Jim Ramos shares a lesson in which he feels he failed as a parent and was the way he framed his wife with his children. It is a lesson he learned about 5 years after his children left the home and one that he continues to try and fix today.

3:51 Interview Starts

5:10 New Book

Marc Hildebrand shares a bit of his new book in which he talks about putting yourself in environments where people can see your blind spots so that others see that and bring it to your awareness.

8:35 Belief Drives Behavior 

Much of the time, men think that they need to attack the tactics and what they really should be looking at is the beliefs that they have.

14:32 Anges Issues

Larry talks about the beliefs that men come in with to the Dad Edge Alliance. He tells the story of a member that believed there was anger in his DNA because it ran in his family lineage. In the Alliance he learned the skills to be calm and cultivate patience as a belief and that shifted his entire world.

21:45 Your Tribe

Marc talks about the importance of hanging out with the right people in order to build on your beliefs.

24:56 Rock bottom

Marc Hildebrand shares the story of how he hit rock bottom and the reason that drove him to make a conscious decision to make a change for the good of his health and why it has stuck after so many years.

Marc Hildebrand’s Links

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