lions eat first

Lions Eat First

Lions Eat First…a quote straight from our previous guest, Sean Whalen.

A next level life. We want more, but aren’t always willing or have the necessary skills to get there. Even though we yearn to be a better version of ourselves, in every capacity, we don’t always have the strategies needed to craft our lives the way we would like. This also resonates with those who are closest to us. If we cannot be the best version of ourselves because we fail to reach out for help when needed, then those who are closest to us will not be able to either.

Be the Ignition, Not the Actual Helicopter

When we are taught to do something instead of having it done for us, we are more apt to learn to repeat the task. Even better, when we try something organically and risk failure, we learn even more. We might find we need to seek help to complete the task or sharpen a skill, but at least we know where our shortcomings are as well as our strengths. The same goes for our kids. If we constantly hover over them and do everything in their lives for them, as well intentioned as we may be, we ultimately cripple their potential for greatness. On the other hand, if we act as an igniter for  their goals and provide opportunities, we open up a world of potential gifts for our children. Sometimes these gifts come in the form of failure; odd to hear, but when we give our children the gift of an opportunity to fail, we also give them the gift of finding their strengths.

Swallow Your Pride

To model this for our kids, we must be willing to put our own pride aside to seek assistance when we need it. Showing our kids that even adults need a little help from time to time, gives them the courage to ask when necessary, but to also temper  that assistance with self-reliance. Showing your kids that there is balance in being self-reliant and asking for help empowers kids to be assertive, yet respectful.

Remember that every action you take, your kids are most likely watching. They are little sponges, learning how to handle life’s twists and turns. So, if we want our kids to approach life with optimism and courage, we must be able to do the same ourselves.

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