Joel Staley – Optimizing Health and Crushing Body Fat Through Intermittent Fasting
Joel Staley is an online fitness coach, a Pro Physique Athlete, creator of The Shed Fat FAST Program, and author of the book “Dad’s Guide to Building a Great Physique”. He helps busy parents turn their bodies into fat burning machines while building lean muscle. Today, he joined Larry to discuss the basics of intermittent fasting for beginners. They cover the difference between prolonged fasting and intermittent fasting, and the benefits of both.
One of the best ways to live a healthier lifestyle is to practice intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is a method of eating that involves alternating periods of eating and fasting. It involves eating within a certain time frame and then fasting for a set amount of time.
Fasting has been around for centuries and is known to be a great way to reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and increase energy levels. It can also help to reduce stress levels and improve mental clarity. Fasting can also help to optimize your hormones and can help to reduce the risk of certain diseases
Overall, living a healthier lifestyle is possible when you practice self-discipline and find healthy ways to cope with stress, anxiety, and boredom. Intermittent fasting is a great tool to help you reach your health goals and stay lean. Joel Staley provides a free guide on his website about intermittent fasting that can help dads get started on their journey to a healthier lifestyle.
Larry’s Takeaways
- Adapt your body to fasting.
- Fasting can optimize health.
- Live a healthier lifestyle.
What You’ll Learn
00:04:50 Eat fewer carbs for better fasting.
00:10:45 Intermittent fasting boosts hormones.
00:15:31 Adapt to fasting lifestyle.
00:20:48 Remove distractions to level up.
00:26:34 Avoid comfort eating.
00:27:33 Earn your dopamine, not cheat.
00:33:07 Lose weight and keep it off.
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