How to Stay Focused & Compassionate in Fatherhood with Richard On

“Life is like a camera. Focus on what’s important, capture the good times, develop from the negatives, and if things don’t work out, take another shot.” Anonymous

I don’t know who this quote is from, however it is completely and totally appropriate for today’s podcast. My guest shares how to be fully present in the moment despite the constant demand of his celebrity.

How we can be a more compassionate father and that it’s never too late to learn how to do new things.

Richard Onis a songwriter and he is the lead guitarist for the American Rock Rock Group, o a r. He was born in Washington dc. He began playing guitar and piano for his local church group growing up, and he even talks about it in this podcast how his aunt, who taught him how to play piano, actually fired him from piano, which actually he was hoping for all along so he could pick up the guitar.

He has had a love of community and music that he has literally carried with him his entire life, and since their first eighth grade talent show, Richard and the Band O.A.R. has toured the world building a huge fan base, leading them to venues such as Madison Square Garden and the Red Rocks while spreading love and building community along the way.

What You’ll Learn

6:06 Interview Begins

6:53 Mindset and Growing Up

Richard On talks about how he grew up and the mindset that his parents had in regards to providing a safe and secure household for him.

12:20 Ethan & Music

Ethan Hagner talks about his experience with music and how the started with it.

15:33 Guitar Beginnings

Richard shares how he got started in music and what led him to decide to play the guitar. He followed a plan to get his aunt to fire him from piano lessons and it worked. That’s when he started to get more into learning the guitar and playing through his brother’s influence.

21:45 Fugazi Influence

Richard On had a magical experience when he first went to a concert and heard Fugazi, a rock band playing, while the crowd went crazy and he found himself in a moshpit at a very young age.

24:28 Your Favorite Thing About Playing with the Band

Richard On answers Ethan Hagner’s question about what his favorite thing about playing on stage is and Richard goes to to respond that it is taking risks by playing a song differently.

35:20 Integrating Family and Music

Richard On shares some ideas behind being able to balance and juggle going from father to husband, to work-mode.

He feels that as a father he is doing a great job and it comes naturally, but has a struggle in being a better husband since he spends so much time with his kids.

40:08 Delicate Dance

Larry talks about the delicate dance of paying attention and intentionally spending time with all family members, eventhough it is challenging at times. He shares a story of how his wife asked for time with him because they had not really talked in 3 days.

41:03 Music and Raising a Family

Richard On shares his story on the difficulty of raising a family while being a full-time musician. He would go on tour, spend a couple days a week at home. The pandemic hit and things changed for everyone and it made him realize there was more to his career.

Richard On’s Links

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