Granger Smith – New Beginnings and Healing

Granger Smith, also known by his alter ego, Earl Dibbles Jr., is an American Southern Baptist minister, former country music singer and songwriter, and a New York Times bestselling author. He continues to share his personal testimony to fans across the globe through his book Like a River: Finding the Faith and Strength to Move Forward After Loss and Heartache. After the tragic loss of his son, River, Smith set forth on an inescapable path of discovery towards God’s grace and mercy.

Catching Up with Granger Smith: Challenges and Insights

In this episode of the Dad Edge Podcast, host Larry Hagner welcomes back country music artist Granger Smith. Granger Smith shares his recent challenges, including a book deal that brought unexpected pressure. He discusses his contemplation of quitting and the decision to persevere. Drawing from his experiences, Granger emphasizes the importance of surrendering control, illustrating this with powerful anecdotes about wild mustangs.

Exploring Relationships and Forgiveness

Larry Hagner and Granger Smith delve into key aspects of successful relationships and the transformative power of forgiveness. Granger opens up about his life, sharing personal stories of hardship and moments of clarity. He highlights the journey of finding worthiness through faith and the impact of personal growth on relationships.

Granger Smith on Self-Worth and Purpose

Granger Smith discusses his struggle with self-doubt, particularly in accepting a significant book deal. He realizes that worthiness isn’t based on achievements or a sin-free life, but in understanding our purpose and embracing our identity as children of God. This revelation encourages overcoming past mistakes and finding redemption.

Building Stronger Relationships

The conversation shifts to the essentials of building strong and meaningful relationships. Granger Smith emphasizes the importance of trust, active listening, and commitment in any relationship. He advises narrowing down choices and focusing on these crucial elements to cultivate deeper connections.

The Strength in Surrender

Granger Smith wraps up the discussion by sharing insights from his experiences with wild mustangs, highlighting the strength found in surrendering control. He draws parallels between our lives and a powerful horse, trusting its master and showing that acknowledging a higher power brings strength, peace, and clarity.

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Larry’s Takeaways

  1. Surrendering control is not a sign of weakness, but rather an acknowledgment that we are not the highest power.
  2.  Building successful relationships requires trust, listening, and commitment.
  3. Worthiness is not based on personal achievements, but on finding identity as a child of God and embracing forgiveness and restoration.

What You’ll Learn

[00:02:12] I know nothing about football, Super Bowl.

[00:11:39] Choosing together, trusting, committing in marriage.

[00:16:42] Unexpectedly, lifeless, purple body; attempted CPR.

[00:18:36] Gate issue, thoughts, hospital transfer, positive progress.

[00:20:41] Neurologists apologize, decide when life support ends.

[00:26:14] Recovery from spiritual warfare and pursuing music.

[00:29:46] Overcoming adversity led to Super Bowl win.

[00:30:38] PTSD memories, therapy, overcoming distractions, normalcy achieved.

[00:38:57] Wild mustangs sought for ultimate horse power.

[00:40:43] Seeking Jesus through Billy Graham’s sermons, people called me crazy.

[00:45:46] Gospel: You’re not worthy, but find worth.

[00:47:08] Desperate for redemption, seeking gratitude and change.

[00:52:49] Book deal offered despite lack of expertise.

[00:54:08] Book deal brings distraction, but peace remains.


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