How to Fix Your Marriage

How to Fix Your Unhappy Marriage with Seth and Melanie Studley

Why is it so hard to make a marriage work? And is it too late to fix your unhappy marriage?

If you’re struggling in your marriage, you’re not alone. About 50% of marriages end in divorce, but staying in a toxic marriage can be even worse.

Today we have husband and wife team Seth and Melanie Studley on the show. They are the creators of the Anatomy of Marriage podcast and app, and they coach couples back to sane and happy marriages.

It’s hard to believe that not long ago, Seth and Melanie’s marriage was a complete train wreck. How did they fix their impossible marriage?

The Studley’s talk about how taking personal accountability and extreme ownership is the first step to healing a relationship. They reveal how escaping with porn, alcohol, or other distractions is not the issue, but the symptom of an underlying complication that’s not being addressed. They also explain how to finally stop fighting and start solving problems.

Don’t waste another day being miserable and frustrated. Start fixing your unhappy marriage right now!

The Anatomy of Marriage

A great marriage is built little-by-little over time. AOM Radio is a fun and engaging daily show that will help you create a fulfilling, sexy, fun and life-giving marriage. And hey, it’s cheaper than marriage counseling!

No one person has the answers for every marriage, that is why Seth and Melanie Studley bring on amazing guests and have REAL CONVERSATIONS about sex, money, kids, marriage counseling, relationships, and so much more!

Seth and Melanie believe that marriage help shouldn’t be boring so we created the Anatomy Of Marriage App, the Couples Counseling App that’s fast, fun and NEVER BORING! Better relationships in the blink of an eye and WAY CHEAPER then marriage counseling!

Download the Anatomy of Marriage app.
Use promocode Dadedge.

What You’ll Learn

  • Stop the blame. What would it look like to put your ego aside and be open to a growth mindset toward your marriage?
  • We take the easiest path to not feeling discomfort to mask something that needs to be resolved.
  • Porn is a common coping mechanism because it’s an instant state change.
  • When we habitually use porn to escape, we create worn pathways that are hard to get out of.
  • Contrary to popular belief, women also have porn issues.
  • Does porn equal infidelity to women?
  • Good sex is about connection and pleasure. Pornography bypasses the connection part.
  • Our sexual needs don’t get met because we are usually not honest in sexual conversations.
  • Unresolved issues always come up in uglier ways the longer they’re ignored.
  • If we minimize the problem, hold it in, and try to white-knuckle through, it will only get worse.
  • Things change in a couples’ sex life over time. Expect it to evolve as you start a family and grow through different stages in life. Understand your spouse will not be the same sexually as she was when you first met.
  • The most common issue in couples is communication.
  • Couples think that if they keep fighting, they will resolve the issue, but they’re usually not even arguing over the same thing.
  • Couples end up fighting about how they fight and not about the issue.
  • Personal accountability and extreme ownership–We put all the weight on our spouse. You’ve got to take care of your own crap.
  • Take responsibility for yourself. What kind of man, husband, father will you be regardless of how your wife behaves?
  • When you have kids, you’re now the adult. You have to act like one. How we treat our spouses is how our kids will treat their spouses.
  • Family is the university of our relationships. This is where we learn relationship habits.
  • If your family was dysfunctional, make yours a new family. Create your own family origin story for your kids and establish a new set of healthy values.
  • Get out of our own way. Stop complaining your way out of growing and becoming strong.
  • A happier relationship is possible for you. It’s there if you’re willing to let go of BS you’ve learned. No porn will stand up to the experience of a fulfilling marriage.
  • Look at your spouse as a teammate. Collaborate. Discuss every play that will come up in the game.
  • Kick resistance’s ass every day.
  • About the Anatomy of Marriage App—Quick, not boring, and includes games like Battlestrip!

Download the Anatomy of Marriage app.
Use promocode Dadedge.


The Anatomy of Marriage Part 1: The Woman’s Side

The Anatomy of Marriage Part 2: The Man’s Side

Reclaiming Your Sovereignty with Ryan Michler

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Seth and Melanie Studley’s Links





[email protected]

ANATOMY OF MARRIAGE APP (Use promocode Dadedge)


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