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Dr. Gary Chapman – 5 Traits of a Healthy Family

Gary Chapman, Ph.D. is an author, speaker, and counselor. He has a passion for people, and for helping them form lasting relationships. The 5 Love Languages® is one of Chapman’s most popular titles, topping various bestseller charts for years, selling over twenty million copies and has been on the New York Times bestsellers list since 2007.

In this episode of Dad Edge, Dr. Gary Chapman discusses his new book on the five traits of a healthy family. He shares that many people struggle with understanding what a good family looks like, especially if they come from a dysfunctional background. Dr. Chapman wrote the book to provide guiding principles for those who are unsure or struggling with creating a healthy family dynamic.

Dr. Gary Chapman emphasizes that the attitude of service is crucial for building a healthy family. He acknowledges that humans are naturally self-centered, but in order to have a healthy family, individuals must adopt an attitude of service. This means approaching relationships and family life with a mindset of wanting to help each family member reach their potential for good in the world.

He also emphasizes that while individuals may not have control over their emotions, they can choose their attitude. This means that even when negative feelings arise, such as anger or hurt, individuals can still choose to think in terms of how they can enrich the lives of their family members. By choosing an attitude of love, individuals can respond to their family members in a positive and loving way, even when their emotions might be telling them otherwise.

Larry’s Takeaways

  1. Involve children in acts of service as they grow older.
  2. Parents should use both words and actions to teach children. 
  3. Use consequences to promote obedience and respect.

What You’ll Learn

00:03:20 Choose attitude of service.

00:05:15 Attitude is the foundation.

00:10:39 Family serving strengthens relationships.

00:15:29 Intimacy in all areas matters.

00:24:40 Consequences lead to obedience.

00:26:00 Lead with love in marriage.

00:31:20 Love unlovely spouse in right love language.


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