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Doing Money Differently with David Delisle

David Delisle is a successful author, entrepreneur and real estate investor with a background as a financial advisor and marketing director. But most importantly, he is a dad.

He has been investing since he was eleven years old and is passionate about passing on the lessons he’s learned to teach kids how to live a rich life and create the freedom for what’s most important to them…the Awesome Stuff

David is a contributor to Entrepreneur, a millionaire mentor for Money Club, and has been featured on countless podcasts, including Impacting Life 24/7 and The Mind of George Show.

He loves being outdoors with his family, laughing with friends, traveling the world, and connecting over a perfect cup of coffee.

What You’ll Learn

4:36 Interview Begins

9:13 82% of Men…

Larry shares a statistic that will make you think twice about “what you do”. It says that 82% of men that go to work, have a job that they don’t like.

10:33 Lucrative Career

Larry shares with the audience what one of his mentors told him in regards to doing what you love and making money, which was something that Larry struggled with when it came to that concept.

12:37 Less Father, more Friend

David Delisle talks about the relationship he had with his father.

14:16 Top of Your Game

When you talk about doing what you love, regardless of any field, be it the stereotypical careers that make more money, doctors, attorneys, we forget that it’s not about the title, but about how good you are at what you do.

15:20 A lot of men Think this…

And a lot of us think that, well, in order for me to have that badge of nobility, then I should probably not really like what I do because otherwise I just feel like I’m cheating life in a way, if I love what I do, and I’m still able to put food on the table.

18:20 If you do not like what you do….

Some of us have the perception that we’re trapped and there’s no other way. And others of us have the perception of I’m going to do this for now, but also figure out what it is I’m gonna do later and there’s going to be a light at the end of the tunnel. And then there are some people just like, no! I’m not gonna be trapped.

21:00 Learn The Habits

David talks about his hopes about kids learning from his book. Intead of teaching kids how to build wealth and be rich, it’s more about teaching your children how to have money NOT be a factor in the decisions that they make in their life.

22:59 Only Buy The Awesome Stuff

David Delisle explains the concept behind only buying the awesome stuff. The concept applies both to children learning about money and adults.

David Delisle’s Links

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