The Three Pillars of Resilience Parenting: Exclusive Q&A with Chris and Holly Santillo

The Three Pillars of Resilience Parenting: Exclusive Q&A with Chris and Holly Santillo

Chris and Holly Santillo joined us for a live Q&A in our Dad Edge Alliance Mastermind. They are the authors of Resilience Parenting: Raising Resilient Children in an Era of Detachment and Dependence and share the Three Pillars of Resilience Parenting that will build a strong mental and emotional foundation for parents as well as their children.

Late Bloomers

Late Bloomers: Giving Your Kids Space to Grow with Richard Karlgaard

Our guest is Richard Karlgaard. He’s a journalist, award-winning entrepreneur, and speaker. He is the author of bestselling book, Late Bloomers: The Power of Patience in a World Obsessed with Early Achievement. He talks about how today’s kids are under huge pressure to perform and feel like failures if they don’t meet society’s expectations. This coincides with a 70% rise in depression and anxiety in teenagers in the past 25 years.

Your Kids and Technology_

The Truth About Your Kids and Technology: Exclusive Dad Edge Alliance Q&A with Cal Newport

We’re just beginning to understand the impact of the internet and smartphones on society. The long-term effects technology has on our kids’ wellbeing and development is even more alarming, leading to mental health issues and addictive behavior.

Today we have a fascinating conversation with our previous guest, Cal Newport, the author of Digital Minimalism. He joined our Dad Edge Alliance Mastermind to answer questions from everyday dads about kids and tech.