fulfilling marriage
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How to Build a Ridiculously Fulfilling Marriage with Nate Bagley

Marriages have taken a beating during the pandemic. We are under a constant generalized stress that keeps our nerves on edge and lowers our emotional capacity. But we can use this time to build a ridiculously fulfilling marriage. Nate Bagley from Growth Marriage teaches us how.

parenting after divorce

A Dad’s Guide to Parenting After Divorce with Evan DeMarco

Evan DeMarco is the host of the Single Parents Daily and the Complete Human podcasts. Evan tells his harrowing story of his parents’ divorce, and how his father kidnapped him when he was a toddler. He reveals how his abandonment issues led to his own divorce, forcing him to confront his issues. Evan gives divorced dads tips to reclaim their true selves while also giving married and dating dads insights on how to develop and keep the relationship they have or begin a new one.

mindset driven fitness
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Mindset-Driven Fitness with Marc Hildebrand

One of our biggest challenges as fathers is to make sure we don’t neglect our health. But learning how to take care of our bodies is the foundation that sets us up for success in all other areas of our lives.
Marc Hildebrand from First Responder Fitness talks about how outer success is a reflection of our inner growth, and that is why mindset-driven fitness is the only way to get lasting results on your health goals for this year and the rest of your life.

AWESOME marriage
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Secrets to an Awesome Marriage with Dr. Kim Kimberling

Today we have Dr. Kim Kimberling on the show to reveal the secrets to an awesome marriage. He is going to teach us to empower ourselves with simple tools that we can use everyday to build trust, communication, and sexual intimacy.
A strong marriage is the best gift we can give our kids.
It’s time to build an awesome marriage you believe in.

drew manning

Fit 2 Fat 2 Fit and Back Again with Drew Manning

Are you a busy, hardworking dad who is ready to get in his best physical health this year? We have the most amazing guest for you!
Drew Manning is NY Times Bestselling author of Fit2Fat2Fit, a book about how he gained and lost seventy-five pounds in order to better understand the struggle to lose weight. Now he talks about Fit2Fat2Forty, which addresses the particular struggles we have with extra weight as we get older.
Prepare yourself to not only become a healthy dad, but also a happy and energetic one.