managing happiness

Managing Happiness: Applying Business Success Principles to Family Life with David Henzel

David Henzel is a radically successful entrepreneur whose calling is to help people live happier lives. Most of us are trying to achieve a work life balance, but we tend to end up overwhelmed and stressed out. Our relationships with our family may be difficult or unfulfilling, but rarely do we give the same attention to detail to our home life as we do to our business. This show is about managing our happiness by applying business success principles to your family life.

How Giving Up Alcohol Will Revolutionize Your Life with Ruari Fairbairns

How Giving Up Alcohol Will Revolutionize Your Life with Ruari Fairbairns

Ruari Fairbairns from One Year No Beer is back to share his relationship with alcohol before and after he gave it up. In this episode, you’ll learn how giving up alcohol will revolutionize your life mentally, physically, and socially. You will also be given the tools you need to control your drinking with confidence and inspire people around you.


#DoEpicShit – Sharing Amazing Experiences with Your Kids

In this week’s Thursday Throwdown, I’m following up on my show Why It’s Time to Do Epic Shit TODAY. I got a great response from that episode. Listeners have been posting pictures of the epic things they are doing with their kids and tagging it with #DoEpicShit. Today I talk about an epic experience I shared with my two older sons and how I marked that experience by writing them a letter about it and reading it to them.