keep dating your spouse

The Infinite Game of Marriage with Cara Miller

If we think of marriage as a game, we immediately strategize on how to win our spouses’ hearts like we did the very first time. The problem is that our partners grow and change throughout life and dating them like we did in the past is not going to work anymore. As you will hear on our show today, the game of marriage is infinite. The goal is not to win, but to keep playing.

Cara Miller tells us how.

How to Raise Resilient Kids
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Hard Love: How to Raise Resilient Kids

Today we have Dad Edge Alliance member Daniel Nolan on the show. He is a self-confessed helicopter parent in recovery and the creator of the Hard Love Project. Helicopter parenting is when we hover over our children to make sure nothing bad happens to them.

We’re all guilty of this at times, but Daniel tells us how to raise resilient kids by challenging them to step out of their comfort zone and exposing them to life. He also talks about how we can design regular emotional, social, and physical challenges for our kids to boost their confidence and independence.

how to start investing in real estate
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How to Quit Your Job in 12 Months Part 2 with Ryan Enk

Ryan Enk from CashflowDadlife is back on the show for Part 2 of our series on how to start investing in real estate with little money and no experience.

Ryan helps people achieve financial freedom in one year or less using creative, under-the-radar real estate investment strategies that have huge money-making potential.

Today we talk about how to conquer the fear mindset when real estate investing, how knowledge decreases our investment risk, and how to make the most of the unknown and untapped financial resources that we all have available to us.

Ryan also tells us about his new book, The 7 Day Real Estate Survival Blueprint. The moves Ryan shares in this episode might make your head explode a little bit, so make sure you download it to listen again later.

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Kids and Allowance: Money-Smart Habits in Action

In our previous episode, John Lanza, author of The Art of Allowance, shared some ideas about kids and allowance that probably made a lot of us scratch our heads. The ideas may seem crazy at first, but they work in unexpected ways. Listen to what happened when I implemented these money-smart habits with two of my kids.

How to Raise Money-Empowered Kids

How to Raise Money-Empowered Kids with John Lanza

What’s the right way to teach our kids about money? How do we create a system for chores and allowance that works? How do we show them to save and spend wisely? Today’s show is all about how to raise-money empowered kids, and you might be surprised at the tips listed in this episode with The Art of Allowance author, John Lanza.