Bedros Keuilian - How To Man Up
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How to Man Up and Kick A$$ in Life with Bedros Keuilian

This interview I did live. I flew out to Los Angeles and sat down with Bedros Keuilian. This individual has an amazing story. A self-made entrepreneur who escaped communism to come to the United States when he was just a kid. A true rags to riches story, no doubt. Bedros Keuilian is a best-selling author,…

Dave Anderson Chimeric Motion Pictures Creative Director
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Building a Business Around Your Life with Dave Anderson

Today we have a special guest, a repeat guest actually. Dave Anderson is the owner of a creative video production company.  In this episode we talk a lot about his journey and what it took to get where he is. Family is what drives us, no doubt, but we tend to forget that very easily…

Working Through Conflict with People We Care for the Most with Jayson Gaddis

Working Through Conflict with People We Care for the Most with Jayson Gaddis

When it comes to conflict, do you find yourself frustrated or lost? Relationships is not something that we are taught. We grow up and we are taught different skills, trigonometry, social studies, but rarely how to resolve conflict. And it’s really unfortunate because think of what our marriages and relationships could look like if we…

Becoming a High Performing Leader with Jake Blanchard

Becoming a High Performing Leader with Jake Blanchard

A father, husband, business consultant, and high performance coach — Jake is determined to leave a lasting impact.    He is the owner of a management consulting firm —Delta Perspective, LLC  and has done program management, process improvement, change management and business strategy most of my career.    He is passionate about solving problems, exploring new opportunities,…