Justin Walker is a devoted Christian, husband, and father, having been married since the age of 17 to his wife whom he's known since they were 13. He retired from the Phoenix Police Department, where he dedicated much of his career to serving on the SWAT team. He is now also the proud owner of MilMak Blades and Copper State Knife Company, and he actively mentors other men and business owners.

Justin Walker – Calling Each Other Forward In Marriage

Justin Walker is a devoted Christian, husband, and father. He married his wife at the age of 24, having been together since they were 17. He retired from the Phoenix Police Department, where he dedicated much of his career to serving on the SWAT team. He is now also the proud owner of MilMak Blades and Copper State Knife Company, and he actively mentors other men and business owners.

Today, Justin opens up about his journey to becoming a more patient father, emphasizing the significance of listening to his children and supporting their interests without immediately jumping to solutions. He discusses how visualizing the desired long-term outcomes for his family helps him stay focused and patient in the moment.

Justin also delves into his faith journey, revealing how the loss of his father and his experiences in law enforcement initially pushed him away from faith. However, through the influence of his daughter and a supportive church community, he found his way back and embraced Christianity. He shares how his faith now plays a crucial role in his daily interactions with his family, guiding him to treat others with kindness and understanding.

The conversation shifts to Justin’s relationship with his wife, whom he has known since they were teenagers. He highlights the importance of open communication and the practice of “calling each other forward” to foster growth and understanding in their marriage. Justin’s approach to parenting his teenage daughter and pre-teen son is also discussed, focusing on meeting them where they are and preparing them for the challenges of life.

Larry’s Takeaways

  1. Practice patience in small everyday moments.
  2. Communication requires honesty and understanding.
  3. Empathy means meeting others where they are.

What You’ll Learn

00:00:29 – Fatherhood and Patience

00:01:52 – Developing Patience

00:02:54 – End Goal Visualization

00:03:20 – Process-Oriented Approach

00:07:24 – Journey to Faith

00:10:34 – Daily Faith Practices

00:17:32 – Empathy and Communication

00:17:42 – Communication and Conflict Resolution

00:23:44 – Empathy in Communication

00:26:59 – Practicing Patience

00:36:22 – Parenting Challenges

00:39:23 – Preparing Kids for Challenges


Man Minutes Podcast


@milmakaz | @milmakblades | @copperstateknifecompany

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