Josh White – Embracing Forgiveness, Authenticity, and the Path to Eternity

Josh White – Embracing Forgiveness, Authenticity, and the Path to Eternity

Josh White is a musician who is still involved in music and has a record label at the church. His ethos and philosophy revolve around fatherhood, broken relationships, forgiveness, grace, and faith. He believes in breaking the cycle, creating change, surrendering to God’s perfect plan, and embracing vulnerability and humility in relationships.

Ray King Dad Edge Podcast
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Ray King – Repairing A Marriage From the Ground Up

Ray King is a fitness expert and transformation coach who specializes in helping dads transform their health and bodies through his innovative and effective programs. With a background in personal training and nutrition, Ray has a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities facing modern dads, and he uses this knowledge to empower them to achieve their fitness goals and lead healthier, happier lives.