Jake Scott Dad Edge

Jake Scott – Behind the Music: The Joys and Challenges of Marriage and Parenthood

Jake Scott is an American singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. While at the university, he began to write and record music–launching his career. In fall of 2013, Jake Scott released his first, self-produced EP, “Of Life and Love and Longing”. Jake’s passion for music was influenced by the sacrifices his father made to be actively involved in his life.

Thomas Fiffer, divorced dad

Essential Parenting Tips for the Divorced Man with Thomas Fiffer – GDP016

Being a divorced dad in the 20th century is no easy task. In this episode, Larry and Shawn interview author and executive editor of The Good Men Project, Thomas Fiffer. Thomas is a divorced father of two boys and shares his insights about overcoming some of the most common challenges for the 20th century divorced man.