Andy Heller – The Divorce Secret Happy Couples Know Too Late

Andy Heller – The Divorce Secret Happy Couples Know Too Late

Andy Heller is a successful businessman and author who transitioned from writing real estate investment books to penning “Take the High Road: Divorce with Compassion for Yourself and Your Family” after his own divorce experience. Through his unique perspective as someone who has navigated divorce personally rather than as a professional in the field, Andy compiled insights from attorneys, therapists, mediators, and other experts to create a comprehensive guide featuring 46 practical strategies. His groundbreaking approach combines a businessman’s objectivity with expert guidance, aiming to help others achieve healthier outcomes for themselves and their families during and after divorce.

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Rich Mitchell – Navigating Burnout and Living Within our Full Potential

Rich Mitchell is a a certified Life Coach through The Life Coach School. He helps high achieving professionals overcome burnout so they can get fired up about their personal and professional lives. He is a Life Coach for single dads on a mission to help single dads level up to their fullest potential.