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Virtual Men’s Groups: What Happens Inside
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Virtual Men’s Groups: What Happens Inside

Isolation is a serious problem for men already, and during this time of social distancing, it’s more important than ever to invest in our mental and physical wellbeing.
Today we are giving you a sneak peek behind the Dad Edge Alliance. This is NOT our usual Q&A with an expert, but an actual members-only meeting with real dads.

Why Finding Your Life’s Purpose Won’t Get You Very Far
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Why Finding Your Life’s Purpose Won’t Get You Very Far

Everyone on the internet seems to be talking about finding your life’s purpose, or finding your why. Your why is supposed to be your moral compass. It keeps you motivated and on track, but today we’re going to totally deconstruct that idea. Stop and really listen to this one. Replay it. Share it, because it’s a game-changer!

The Dad Edge Alliance – Unlock the Secrets to Living an Epic Life
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The Dad Edge Alliance – Unlock the Secrets to Living an Epic Life

In the last episode of GDP, we had ultra-successful businessman and life coach Aaron Walker. He explained that he owed 100% of his success to his tribe and the people he surrounded himself with. In this week’s Thursday Throwdown, I will tell you how you can make sure you surround yourself with the right people to become the best husband, father, and man you can be.