how to protect your kids online

How to Protect Your Kids: Online Predators, Cyberbullying, and Sexual Content with Titania Jordan

Whether it’s a tablet, phone, or computer—our kids are exposed to a minefield of predators, cyberbullies, and sexual content. What is the best way to protect our children from this insidious danger?
Today we have Titiana Jordan on The Dad Edge. She is the Chief Parent Officer at Bark, an app that helps families manage and protect their children’s online lives. She tells us the disturbing reality of what our kids are exposed to on the internet.
This show will disturb and enrage you, but it’s the information parents desperately need. Don’t miss it!

parenting your adhd kid

Parenting Your ADHD Kid with Confidence Angela Pruess

The Dad Edge constantly receives emails from dads who are struggling with their ADHD son or daughter. Most feel frustrated and helpless. But there is hope for ADHD parents. All we need is the right skillset.
Angela Pruess is a licensed family therapist with a background in Child Psychology, Child Development, and Play Therapy.
Angela explains the 3 different types of ADHD and the best way to manage each one. She also tells us how to develop and leverage our parent-child connection, understand the true motivation behind our child’s behavior, and discipline our children without emotional damage.
Empower yourself to grow emotionally resilient ADHD kids who will live their best lives!

Late Bloomers

Late Bloomers: Giving Your Kids Space to Grow with Richard Karlgaard

Our guest is Richard Karlgaard. He’s a journalist, award-winning entrepreneur, and speaker. He is the author of bestselling book, Late Bloomers: The Power of Patience in a World Obsessed with Early Achievement. He talks about how today’s kids are under huge pressure to perform and feel like failures if they don’t meet society’s expectations. This coincides with a 70% rise in depression and anxiety in teenagers in the past 25 years.

how to help kids with anxiety and depression
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How to Help Kids with Anxiety and Depression – Exclusive Dad Edge Alliance Q&A with Natasha Daniels

Today, more parents are raising kids with anxiety, depression, and OCD but have no idea how to cope. Judging by the downloads on our shows about anxiety and depression in kids, this topic is in high demand. Natasha Daniels answers questions about different behaviors including panic attacks, strange phobias, drug abuse, and more.

E 218 - Anxiety and Depression in Kids

Anxiety and Depression in Kids: A Parent’s Survival Guide with Natasha Daniels

Today we are going to talk about how to identify and differentiate between depression and anxiety, signs and behavior patterns to look out for, and tools to help us teach children how to cope.
Natasha Daniels is a child therapist who specializes in anxiety and OCD. She is the bestselling author of Anxiety Sucks! A Teen Survival Guide and How to Parent Your Anxious Toddler. The worst thing to do if you suspect your child may have a problem with anxiety and depression is avoid it. Learn how to tackle this problem head on so that you and your children are empowered to deal with anxiety and depression in a proactive way.