Steven Robertson – Navigating the Perfect Storm: Mastering Tech, News, and Social Media for Family Growth

Steven Robertson is an acclaimed keynote speaker, trainer, generational expert, author of “Aliens Among Us: 10 Surprising Truths about Gen Z“, and the CEO of BOLD-Training. He inspires audiences and invigorates businesses as he shares from his experience of over 30 years.

Steven emphasizes the unique characteristics that define each generation, shaped by the “perfect storm” of technology, world news, social media, and leadership or parenting styles. The conversation takes a deep dive into the challenges faced by Gen Z, the first generation to be digital natives, and how their communication styles differ from previous generations. 

Steven Robertson also explains the concept of the “8-second filter,” debunking the myth of the 8-second attention span, and highlights the importance of creating compelling content to engage effectively with younger generations.

Larry’s Takeaways

  1. Understand and adapt to the green world.
  2. Exceed expectations to connect with kids.
  3. Strengthen muscles through engaging experiences.

What You’ll Learn

00:01:54 – The Impact of Generations on Society

00:03:11 – The Older Generation’s View on Youth

00:04:01 – Flipping the Script: Youth’s View on Elders

00:05:09 – Understanding Gen Z’s Unique Traits

00:07:34 – The Four Muscles of Future-Proofing

00:08:05 – The Journey to Writing a Book on Generations

00:13:34 – The Challenge of In-Person Communication for Gen Z

00:25:06 – Parenting in the Digital Age

00:28:22 – The Perfect Storm of Generational Shifts

00:30:40 – Nostalgia and Tech Evolution

00:31:15 – Bridging the Gap: Parenting Strategies for Connection


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